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Emotions are strong, so strong no one can ever control them. People have a hard time keeping it at bay, no matter how hard they try. There are no medications that can tame them such powerful emotions. If there is, it is likely to fail.

Watching these people as they pass by my small stall, I couldn't help but wonder how the others manage to keep calm as their rage burn with passion.

"One lemonade, please... " said a woman who decided to but at the little boy's stall.

Before he gave the woman her order, he looked at me while plastering a grin as if telling me that he won this battle. I suppressed a glare when someone stopped in front of me.

"One mango juice for my daughter, and one Apple juice for me, please... "

I returned back her smile as I prepare the drinks. Someone told me that I have to smile at every customer so that they may feel welcomed. And so I thought, they're just buying what I made, why should I smile when I decided to sell these to them instead of keeping it to myself?

But the way this boy competes with me as people approach his stall, I had no choice but to smile. And times passed, people approach me one after another. And even if my lips are slightly trembling from smiling nonstop, I stayed that way. Until I heard the bell rang.

Only then did I stop as I collect all the money and put it away in the jar. My juices are sold out, now I have wait for Mommy's arrival.

Numerous people swarmed the place as I put the: Sold Out sign on the table. The boy across me continued to pour drinks as people pay him in return. I quickly averted my eyes when he was about to look in my direction. I don't want him noticing, nor thinking that I am watching him.

I caught Mommy walking out of the church as soon as I decided to leave my booth and walked towards her carrying the money with me.

"Mommy!", I said.

"Oh, darling... " she pulled me in a tight hug. "I'm sorry I made you wait for so long."

"It's okay... "

Did you have fun?"

"Yes!", I showed her the money jar that has a lot of coins.

"Wow, I'm so proud of you!," she beamed me a smile before gently tugging me closer to her as we started walking.

"Are we leaving?", I frowned, secretly glancing at the boy who seemed to be talking to a beautiful lady.


"But what about my booth?"

"Mang Ruben will take care of it... "


"No buts, honey. We will be attending a party at the Evans tonight."

Mommy opened the car door for me.

"Who's Evans?", I genuinely asked which she didn't answered.

"Let's just go home and get you ready, okay?"

I still want to ask her but I controlled myself. I'll probably meet whoever this Evans is at the party.

6 in the evening and we arrived at a big mansion. I wasn't interested in the scenery so I focused on the beautiful woman who's standing in the doorway where she and Mommy hug and kiss each others' cheeks.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe we're living in the same town!", the woman beamed at my Mom as her eyes locked with mine. "Is this your daughter?"

The way she looked at me made me hide behind Mommy. I held the hem of her dress as I avert my eyes from the woman.

"Oh... she's so sweet, and grown so much! I can't believe you'll have such a fine young lady," she commented.

"You're too kind, Heather. Where's your boy?"

"Oh, right. The birthday boy. Heath!", her voice boomed in the house.

I was startled a bit the reason why I buried my face on Mommy's legs. How can a beautiful woman have such strong tone? We are the first ones to arrive judging from the empty Grand Hall with lots of balloon and flower decorations.

A boy in his blue pyjamas walked towards us as he stopped beside her. The woman put an arm around the familiar boy.

"This is my son, Heath. Say hello, dear... " she commanded.

"Hi.. " his voice was hoarse as he put a timid smile on his face.

When our gaze locked, I wasn't able to suppress my glare.

"Caitlyn, what are you going to say?", Mom said.

"Hello... "

For a moment, the adults giggled as Heath and I silently stared down at each other. He's the little boy that competed with me earlier at the church. Why does he need to sell lemonades when they have a big mansion? Why did he have to compete with someone like us when he could've donated money to the poor who were selling Sampaguitas, candles, and low cost foods?

"Heath, why don't you take her to your room?"

Thought I didn't want to be alone with him, but I'm in no place to protest. Mommy would be mad at me, and Tita Heather will be disappointed in me. I looked at Mom who had a smile on her face as she nodded at me, before I looked back at Heath who's now walking away from us.

I didn't bother to sped up my pace and kept a distance as I follow him through a hallway. We walked in various hallways with paintings hung up on the walls... statues with no hands or heads... old vases placed on vintage furnitures before we arrived at an open field. Where a massive swimming pool stood a few meters from the big house.

I followed Heath as he neared the kiddie pool. He stood beside it before turning to face me. I halt and was a few feet away from him.

"How much money did you brought home with you?"

For a moment I was a bit stunned, but quickly averted my eyes from him. I knew he'd ask me that.

"1,435... " I said.

At the corner of my eye, Heath nodded as he silently stared at me. There was silence between us for a few seconds.

"Are you not going to ask me?"

"No... " I was told not to lie, because lying is bad.

If I said yes, our conversation would prolong, and I don't want that.

"How old are you?", he suddenly asked.

"I'm turning 11 this December 25th."

I swallowed hard as I saw how sharp Heath's eyes were when I glanced at him.

"I-I want to go to the bathroom.. " I turned my back on him, planning to run away from him after I started walking.

But as soon as I felt him grabbed my arm, I was choking on water flailing my hands and feet trying to get to the surface of the pool. However, I don't know how to swim. Mommy's face flashed in my head. Where is she? I want to scream for her name but I know she wouldn't hear me.

I am slowly sinking to the bottom and when I opened my eyes, the clear skies were the first thing that I saw until it landed on a little boy's body, standing on the side of the pool. His frame wasn't clear because of the water. I heard muffled sounds and soon, a person emerged in the water.

Warm hands wrapped around my waist as I'm beginning to lose consciousness, until I felt myself resurfaced from the water. But darkness engulfed me even before I could open my eyes.

The Queenbee's Downfall (On-Hold)Where stories live. Discover now