4: The Trouble with the System

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Chapter 4: The Rules of Punishment

Just one more. Just a little more and I will certainly cry even if I don't want to.

It's been, well, a day since that stupid and horrible incident happened. And I'm still here inside the house! And I can't do anything but watch the sunrise up, up above the sky and blind my eyes from its hurtful rays.

I grunted loud when I heard the door of my room open.

"Oh honey, I know that deep down you've been longing to go out and play with your friends in the park. We're just gonna have to be patient for another two days so you can go play."

"Mom," I called in an annoyed tone. "I don't need any of your teasings today, can't you see that my life as a Queen is about to be over?"

Instead of being concerned about my future, Mommy chose to laugh at my outcry of distress.

"What is it about being the Queen of your school? You're already the boss inside our house, I've spoiled you enough outside the boundaries of school before. Aren't you contented enough to just reign here and not at Liberty University?"

Defeated by how fair her point is, I sighed before rolling my eyes heavenwards.

"I've already explained everything to you last night, mom. I am not going to explain it again."

"Right. To be enthroned as the Queenbee has its luxurious privileges. But darling, haven't you noticed that to be a royalty has its flaws and enemies? You also told me that you and Sharpay had been fighting, countless times, just for one delirious throne, to the extent of, her, pouring you a bucketful of eggs and bacon. Aren't you afraid of what she's capable of?"

I know that she's just worried, but this is a fight where I could only be the victor. And I am the only one that is on the frontline to defeat her, no one else. Slumping on my pink beanbag beside the window, I was leaning on the side of my full-length mirror.

"Why should I be afraid? I've overcome that minor obstacle without breaking a sweat, why must I backdown now? If there is one that should be, it's her."

Smirking, I looked at my mom who had been quiet while staring at my beautiful almond eyes. Her eyes were full of emotions that I couldn't even name. From her eyebrows that were slightly crooked to restraining herself from frowning. From having a serious face, her eyes became soft, but eventually, she pushed all of it away. It's like, a battle between curiosity and understanding is happening inside her head as if her mind and heart suddenly became two, and not as one.

I can't help but notice her facial features, she's aging badly.

"Mom, I think you should try having a break and going to a salon and spa, it would be very helpful," I smiled at her not minding her sudden glare.

She's my mother, all right. She is easily irritated when it comes to physical appearance, hihi.

After a while, she took a deep breath.

"I understand that you're doing this for yourself, Caitlyn—"

"I'm not... " I cut her off.

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