KY vs. TN

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Tennessee and Kentucky were sitting on the couch, watching TV when a government documentary came on. It bored the hell out of both of them, but they watched it anyways because the remote was too far TwT

Anyways, that was when Vermont walked by reading a Wattpad entry out loud. "And Kentucky and Tennessee lived happily ever after." She cooed quietly, but not quiet enough since Kentucky turned to face Tennessee and said, "That Wattpad is unrealistic. We could never get along." "I know, right! We're nothing alike! You're too fried chicken-y" "oh yeah, well you're too music-y!!!"

Kentucky and Tennessee started beating each other up. Vermont nervously laughed and left the room.

"Okay, and Tennessee. You'll go here, just below West Virginia's borders but still in your state and fi-" "That's KENTUCKY'S LAND, NOT MINE! ASSHOLE! I HATE HIM" Tennessee stormed out, leaving a ShOoK Conneticut.
Kentucky was out on a walk with West Virginia and Louisiana. Louisiana was laughing and talking about something unimportant when West Virginia gasped and turned to Kentucky "Tenne-- oops, I meant Kentucky!"

"You best beg for your life" Kentucky grinned.

West Virginia screamed and ran for her life, a very angry Kentucky chasing her. Louisiana whistled "I BET TWENTY BUCKS WV LOSES HER SOUL!" "LOUISIANA THAT'S NOT HEL- Ow!"

"Haha! Kentucky and Tennessee are surely friends!" Wyoming said to New Hampshire. "I dunno, Wyoming...." Maine interrupted "They share a birthday, are right beside each other on the map, and were founded alongside each other. They're in sync!" It was at this moment Tennessee and Kentucky walked in. "I'M NOTHING LIKE HIM" They shouted in sync. "HEY, SHUT UP" They said at the same time. "NO, YOU SHUT UP!" "GRRRRR" Kentucky and Tennessee started fighting.... Again.

Alaska turned to Hawaii "Vodka?"

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