Betrayal hurts the worst

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???'s POV:

Kentucky quit moving hours ago, before I returned to my fellow states. Before now, even. I couldn't help but feel remorse at the fact that I would be doing this to the entire south. But I'm getting a lot of money for it and that's all that matters. The fact South Carolina strayed from the group was perfect! And to be honest, I need to hurry after Tennessee before he makes it back.... This shouldn't be easy by any means, as he's what is called a travel state and is bordered by eight states. That's a lot more than me. Which means he should know how to fight through traffic just as much as me since my traffic can be very intense.

When Tennessee had his little..... "Tantrum" I was shocked. I hadn't planned on him discovering the crime scene. He was supposed to be distracted with the party! I would've killed him when he was in the bathrooms if I could, but I couldn't because Maine and New Hampshire had been hiding from the usually rowdy party and were being as anti social as two people can be together..... I didn't want them to see me, because once my flag was seen they'd known exactly who I was. And the people in black hoodies are always the bad guys, that's how it works in movies! But like, really, what is taking Tennessee so long? If he doesn't hurry his ass up I won't be able to get to North Carolina.

Tennessee's POV:

I saw a guy in a black hoodie eyeing me at the door of the bathroom, so I got scared and ran. Come on, black hoodie? Suspicious possible porn star? Yeah..... No. I'd attack him but I felt like it was a bad idea for once so i just left. And he's STILL there! Should I tell Maine and New Hampshire? I don't care, they can handle themselves. It's not like they're actually using the bathroom. They're just gossiping like a pair of girls 🙄

North Carolina's POV:

I left the hospital and went home.... I trudged to my room and then I remembered- Kentucky had either died or been injured here. I thought for a moment. And then I thought about how someone wasn't there for the second meeting yet talked a lot when we were organizing the first.... Someone that should have been there for Kentucky's birthday, but wasn't? I gasped and called Virginia..... And that's when my bedroom door swung open to reveal my suspicions were correct. I shouted for Tennessee, hoping he'd hear.... But that didn't last long. The smell of the Iris scented candles in Tennessee's room was the closest thing I got to a person.....

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