"Why'd you do that!!!"

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North Dakota pulled the car to a stop in the parking lot of the state meeting building. "Texasssss, why bother bringing her anyways? Oklahoma is worthless to us." Texas rolled his eyes, or at least we think he did. "Well obviously I value friendship a lot."

"We're literally killing multiple states for an unrealistic goal. The south fell once, how will we last this time?" Texas thought for a moment. "You're right..... Hey, North?" "Yeah?" "How would you feel about controlling the rest of the USA?" North Dakota gasped "Nononono, I wouldn't dare. I'm just trying to keep South out of this...." Texas grinned "then you'll help us take over the rest of the USA by catching states bordering you, alone.... Oh, and keep me updated if you find the rest of the south away from the others." North Dakota sighed. "Fine. But I'll have you know I don't like you at all." "Not the first time I've heard that. Now, let's get Oklahoma moved in...."

Texas carried Oklahoma into the building, entering a room at the very back and walking down the stairs revealed to be behind the door. It was the basement of where the states had held the most recent meeting. Texas looked at the ground and looked pretty shocked to see Tennessee there, bleeding out as North Carolina tried to help. "what'd you do?!" He confronted North Dakota after dropping Oklahoma.

"You wanted the south. I'm giving you the south."

"What the fuck?! You know what Tennessee has done for me, right? He basically named my goddamn capital and literally made the struggle at the Alamo a struggle! I asked you not to touch him, yet you did!" Texas was pissed. North Dakota shrugged "I was told to do it by our pal over there." He gestured to a figure in the corner. "What the hell, Louisiana!!!" Texas's anger was redirected.

North Carolina crawled to and out of the door, dragging a hardly conscious California with him. He ended up having to leave Tennessee, but judging by what Texas was saying he suspected they'd patch him up.

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