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Tae Hyung

Tae Hyung watched the blonde at work. He was mixing liquids of every possible color together like an passionate alchemist. The woman has left the room in search of some herbs few minutes ago.

He couldn't still grab a hold of what's going on . He watched the male in utter fascination for a while before he decided to speak up.
"What's wrong?"
"Long story short " The Blonde said still giving the odd mixture his undivided attention "Jungkook is in death bed and we are trying to save him"
"Oh!"Tae Hyung nodded in agreement "my congratulations!"
This managed to earn a wtf look from The Alchemist.
"Mm sorry " Tae Hyung smiled in apology. "Still feeling a bit off... why's there a zebra on kitchen table by the way?"
Alchemist actually turned his head to see the non existent zebra before realizing he was just hallucinating.
"I'm Kim Nam Joon " he turned his attention back to the green liquid which was now turning orange .
Tae Hyung just nodded in response and the woman stormed in and handed over some berries to Nam Joon.
"Go to him!"
The petite brunette took no time to oblige and ran upstairs.
"Who is she?"
"Jungkook's mom" Namjoon slipped few purple pinkish berries in to his palm and commanded " chew ' em!"
Tae Hyung obediently stuffed three of them in his mouth and chewed a while before asking "so .... is she a virgin?"
This successfully earned a second wtf look from Nam Joon .
"Sawwy I didn't mean to be offensive " he said "she probably is"
"Don't swallow them dumbass!" Nam Joon screeched before handing him a bowl " spit in "
"They taste like socks " Tae Hyung whined while watching Nam Joon mixing the disgustingly gooey pulp with the orange liquid.
They both flinched when the voice called from upstairs
He wasn't prepared for this.

The boy laid on his lime green bed sheets, shirtless and dead .
His mother sat beside him holding his cold limp hand on her own warm ones as if it would bring her son back to life.

Nam Joon flew to his side and pried opened one of Jungkook's eyes.

And Tae Hyung gasped.

Those bright green eyes and their stars have died out,replaced by nothing but darkness , like a moonless night sky.
Nam Joon collapsed on the bed with the mixture still in hand . He held Jungkook's other limp hand in his hand and sighed . When he looked back up his brown eyes had a thin veil of glistening tears over them.
"He ..."
Nam Joon swallowed.
"He is... gone"

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