Thirty two

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"I repeat " Tae Hyung groaned crashing onto the couch "I'm not accustomed to walking long distances "

They were currently at Jin's after walking for three whole hours through the endless forest. They still had few miles to go but Tae Hyung refused to move another inch without a break. So they had to crash at the chiming house without a warning .

"You are ooold" Jungkook teased.

"Shut up" Jin showed up with a plate of sandwiches "he's right! Why didn't you teleport in to the right place?"

"THAT GUY WAS TRYING TO BLOW OUR BRAINS OUT!" Jungkook flailed his hands ,almost flattening Tae Hyung's nose.

"So ... this guy tried to kill you? And you think it's the same creep who brought you back?" Jin summarized the tale of their little adventure.

The boys nodded in unison.

"Hmm...come to think of it " Jin said thoughtfully " I did some research you know about some stuff "

He walked the length to the book shelf and grabbed a old fat book with yellow dog eared pages.

"Red eyes you said hah?" Pages rustled as they were turned " ok. So red eyes are a very unique and rare feature. That's why none of us knew about it"


"Records talk about a creature called Reverie. " Jin revealed " or the day dreamer . Also known as Nightmares."

"Sounds like a big deal" Jungkook said.

"One of the most powerful yet dangerous creatures to roam the earth. They say Reveries descend from the depths of darkness. They can manipulate your mind. Twist and turn it into something awful"

Jin closed the book with a muffled thud "could be an exaggeration or even a myth , you can never trust these books completely. But if this shit is true , you are in trouble, Tae "

"Lemme get this straight " Tae Hyung put his hands up in agitation " some crazy dark monster brought me back to life and now trying to shoot me in the ass?"

"Yep" Jin smiled " and also there are some doubtful things about the whole situation "

"No, the situation is doubtful as a whole!" Tae Hyung voiced ,his blue eyes narrowed down to slits.

"You see , if you were in the Vacuum and was bought back , I see no reason for amnesia . " Jin stated "Jungkook was bought back too. He could remember everything perfectly "

"I didn't die in a car crash, Jin " Jungkook responded "his amnesia is a result of the shock from the crash"

"No" Jin laid back on the couch, his brows furrowed in confusion "no kookie, then why didn't he remembered anything before the accident when I show him his past? His first memory was waking up in the hospital after the crash right?"

"So? " Tae Hyung asked "what's your theory ?"

"Someone bought you back..." Jin paused "after you left the Vacuum "

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