Thirty seven

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Tae Hyung

Tae Hyung had experienced some really uncomfortable situations in life but they were nothing compared to the uneasiness of wanting to puke and not being able to do so.

"You're right" Jungkook whispered and nodded in the direction of the stranger cladded in black. He was stalking around in the store like a stealthy cat but they still had safe distance between them.

"Now,stick to the plan,ok?" Jungkook asked clutching the chain in his fist tightly.

Tae Hyung nodded. It's now or never Tae ! Tell him!

He held Jungkook's wrist just in time before he stood up. "Jungkook I know now isn't the perfect time but ... I love you "

Jungkook stared down at him for a while with his widened eyes but smiled in the end "any time is perfect for love..." he bend down and pecked Tae Hyung on the lips "love you too" he whispered.

Tae Hyung watched him crawling on all fours with the chain wrapped around his fist. Luckily the store wasn't crowded and he managed to hide behind a shelf without been noticed by the stranger who was hungrily looking for them.

Jungkook gave Tae Hyung a peace sign as they planned and Tae Hyung knew it was his turn to act out.

With the bile rising in his throat, feeling anxious, he stepped out from his hiding spot.

"Hey!" He shouted in a voice he didn't recognized as his own " grandpa!! Is it me you looking for?"

The stranger turned around with his eyes blazing, like ember in red not fire.

"Don't think about the plan "Jungkook had warned in advance "if he can control your mind he'll know. Think about something else and trust me"

"God!" Tae Hyung made a face "you are so ugly! Can a plastic surgery fix that?"

He looked quite offended. He pointed the gun at Tae Hyung and took the aim.

There you go Tae Hyung! He thought your beautiful youth

But the bullet never left the gun because Jungkook leapt on him from behind, knocking the fire arm out of his grip.

Tae Hyung heard the sales lady letting out a shrill scream (he forgot other people do exist) as Jungkook hit him square on the nose. Tae Hyung winced at the crunch and the stranger groaned all along when Jungkook tackled him down and tied the chain around his neck, like a leash on a puppy.

He grunted and groaned for a while refusing to give up until the red in his eyes dimmed and turned charcoal black. He went limp and fell on the floor.

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