Forty seven

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Tae Hyung was clearly intimidated.

"Don't be scared" Jungkook tried his best to comfort him by putting an assuring hand on his thigh.  "He's not an enemy. He saved us"

"Saved us?" Tae Hyung repeated."from what?"

"Actually I was saving him" Yoongi spoke in a hushed voice "from you"

Tae Hyung's blue orbs flashed on to Jungkook's face "what?"

"You were trying to kill him" Yoongi dropped the bomb right on the head of the poor confused boy. "You were lucky Jungkook ,that I broke the chains and decided to follow you with them still in hands and showed up at the perfect time to tackle him with it"

Reveries don't sugarcoat, check.

"I did WHAT?!"

"It's ok" Jungkook was quick to shush him "it's not a big deal "

"How is it not a big deal Jungkook?" Tae Hyung argued "is it why I'm still chained? Because I can hurt you?"

"No baby " Jungkook cupped his face in his hands again and stroked his cheek.
Tears were already steaming down them and Tae Hyung softly sobbed. He was crying more often than not lately and Jungkook just hated it.

"We need to talk" Yoongi interrupted their moment by sitting in front of the chained boy with his legs crossed "continue your drama after that"

"First of all I'm Min Yoongi, the Reverie of the Sing Song and I believe you are Kim Tae Hyung "

Jungkook saw Tae Hyung's jaw dropping in awe from his peripheral vision. "How do-"

"Yeah yeah hold on !" Yoongi said "I'm coming there. Just be patient and listen"

"So the story started exactly five years back , that is in red Heaven time line"

Yoongi started in a monotonous voice like an irked  grandpa telling his grandkids a bedroom story.

"I strictly believe that as long as things are where they meant to be, there won't be any problems. So five years back we people were exactly where we were meant to be.

I was in my realm, Jungkook was in white heaven and you, Tae Hyung , was in Red Heaven "

He paused to examine their expressions. On seeing the boys are listening with great curiosity,Yoongi continued.

"The point is, we didn't know that each other existed. And it worked out perfectly . Uneventful,yeah, but kinda perfect .

      It all changed in one evening when one of decided to derail the train of fate. When one of us thought of playing a part out of his role. One wanted to be somewhere he wasn't meant to be.

And everything changed"

Yoongi inhaled and exhaled shakily.

"I can't be sure. Maybe Jungkook deciding that he wanted work in his dad's shop in red heaven one evening was something that meant to be. But if that is true, it means this shit that is happening now was meant to be too.

  So I'll rather blame it on you. Saying that you did something you werent meant to be doing and that's why all this shit that wasn't meant to be happening is happening.I don't know "

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