Twenty seven

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Tae Hyung

Tae Hyung knew it was platonic, the kiss and everything.

They did it all the damn time with no real feelings at all. It had always been mere physical contact . Shallow , not deep. No shivers, no tingles, no racing hearts,no sweaty hands.

But after a long while Tae Hyung was actually enjoying the kiss. Not because Jimin was great kisser or anything but because of this boy who was watching them with an epic expression on his handsome face.
Through his half closed eyes Tae Hyung could clearly see Jungkook's eyes glow. Like back in the cellar. Luminous bright green, like a vicious cat eyes under full moon.

That mere look in his eyes made Tae Hyung kiss Jimin harder, just to squeeze more of that jealousy out of Jungkook. It felt so damn good . To know someone desires for him that much. He knew he was playing a filthy game but he loved it.
Just to put his limits to test, Tae Hyung gave Jimin a tight squeeze in the ass, making the clueless boy moan against his lips.

Come on. He smiled against Jimin's lips, watching Jungkook's eyes shoot wide in to size of mini tennis balls.
Come on! Snap! Let it out! Let it out Jungkook let me see!

Jungkook's eyes held the wild glare of a lion who just got his pray snatched from his mouth. He looked hungry and dangerously frustrated about someone else getting the reward he wanted.

His lips curled back in a snarl and he let out a low growl, making Tae Hyung freeze. Jimin clearly heard it too because he pulled away from Tae Hyung to look at Jungkook, clearly noticing the fuming male for the first time since he arrived.

"Omg" he smiled shyly, being the sweet pretty boy he is "sorry if we made you uncomfortable"

"It's ok. I'm kinda trained to be nauseated "Jungkook said coolly but Tae Hyung could hear the obvious madness in his voice "Jimin right?"

Jimin looked at Tae Hyung as if asking for an explanation.

"Oh right! " Tae Hyung smiled " Jimin this is Jeon Jungkook, he is ..... a friend " Tae Hyung ignored the hurt look in Jungkook's face , for the time being. " Jungkook this is Park Jimin, my-"

He was trying to say "bestie" but Jimin beat him to it.

"Boyfriend " he said holding on to Tae Hyung's hand " nice to meet you!"

"Same here" Jungkook said tastelessly "Tae Hyung talks about you a lot "

"Does he?" Jimin asked rhetorically and sat next to Tae Hyung "where the hell were you,Tae Hyungie? I was worried about you "

"I'm staying at Jungkook's place for a while, actually " Tae Hyung stated "you bought my things?"
"Yeah" Jimin pointed at the bag that was laying forgotten on the floor "I grabbed everything that looked important. You owe me that one Tae , your dad nearly shot me"

"Thanks" Tae Hyung planted a quick peck on his lips " that means a lot"

Jimin giggled and looked at Jungkook ,who had tuned out of the conversation and stared for a while.
"Hey! I've seen you somewhere before!"

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