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Tae Hyung

After facing an unreasonably grumpy Jungkook all morning, Tae Hyung set out of the cottage to see the sun after many long hours. (Suns.. to be exact). He could have been delighted except for two reasons 1) he was walking on foot and he wasn't really used to it 2)with a very grumpy Jungkook leading the way.
   Jungkook was barefoot and was cladded in a pair of black tight jeans and an oversized white hoodie. He stomped really fast for a barefooted guy in a cold weather and Tae Hyung was having a hard time catching up.  He wandered if this bad temper was a side effect of death but jogged to him anyway ,eating up the distance between them.

"Hey" he panted "wait for me!"

But Jungkook only quickened his pace making Tae Hyung jog a little faster.

"Don't you lost your way around?" Tae Hyung asked looking around "I mean everywhere is same"

"No" Jungkook deadpan , clearly oblivious to the attempt Tae Hyung was making to small talk. He was pouting adorably , his cheeks flushed with anger and from run-walking.

Tae Hyung smiled at his cuteness "slow down!"

"You're slow !" He stopped on his tracks and pouted "you walk like a old turtle who was fucked in the ass!"

Tae Hyung blinked in confusion. What's wrong with him? Or was it normal for cannibals to be this grumpy?

"I'm walking as fast as I can!" Tae Hyung defended. " you are the one who is running like a chimpanzee whose butt cheeks are on fire!!"

There was a moment of silence followed by the sound of two boys bursting in to a fit of laughter.

"What the-what?" Tae Hyung gasped , holding his stomach and doubling over. "What did I just say?"

"God! That's.." Jungkook was interrupted by a fresh bout of laughter.
He resumed his walk  way slower with Tae Hyung still laughing at his own lame joke , trailing close behind .

"Aren't we there yet?" Tae Hyung asked,fiddling with the hem of his black shirt which he burrowed from Jungkook.

"Nah" Jungkook said, his dark aura lifted by the joke."you will know when we are"

"So don't you have any friends here?" Tae Hyung asked "fellow cannibals or vampires?"

Jungkook's face twisted up and Tae Hyung knew instantly he had told something offensive.
"Yuk!" Jungkook did an exaggerated gag "vampires? Who want to hang out with those disgusting creatures?"

"Why?" Tae Hyung  wanted to know

"They are  just disgusting ." Jungkook shrugged. "They are just low cast freaks. No one wants to have any type of connection with them"

Tae Hyung nodded.

So discrimination was universal hah? No matter what color the dimension is, red or white wherever, people always found a reason to hate each other, a very unreasonable reason.
    Back at home he was treated like trash. He was treated like someone insignificant. Just because he was different , just because he was gay. One of his many crimes.His dad threw him out in the street just because of that. (He nearly got eaten as a result)He never made friends because of  that . He went crazy because of that. He hated himself, tried to kill him self because of that.
    There was no escape from it... discrimination. It was everywhere. Like a plague.
"Don't let vampires get on your nerves"
Jungkook said, derailing Tae Hyung's train of painful memories."pun intended "
Tae Hyung giggled softly but abruptly froze on his tracks.
"Waaaaait!" He screeched "so vampires are real?"
Jungkook just laughed out loud "we are close, listen carefully "
Tae Hyung listened and in the pin drop silence he heard the wind , free and musical. He listened more closely and realized it was not just wind.

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