Thirty four

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"I'm coming back...
"You have to pay the price..."

Jungkook woke up with the terrible feeling of vertigo still lingering in his head.

He was in the Vacuum. It was a dream but it felt real. Too real.

He gasped, inhaling large gulps of sweet air and tried to calm himself down.He kicked the sweat drenched blanket to let the cool night air wash the sticky uneasy feeling the nightmare brought. He felt a shuffling beside him and the bedside lamp came on.

"Hey" Tae Hyung mumbled, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyesight. "You ok?"

Jungkook nodded "it's just a bad dream. Sorry I woke you up"

Tae Hyung smiled warmly and instantly Jungkook forgot about the creepy figure who keeps asking for a price.

He scooted closer to embrace Jungkook's sweat drenched torso in a tight yet sweet hug. It felt so natural. Like he... they had done it a thousand times before. It was soothing and relaxing.
He feels like home.

"Go back to sleep " Tae Hyung whispered against his ears, his warm breath feeling ticklish on Jungkook's skin.

"I probably stink"
"Nah" Tae Hyung ran a hand on his wet scalp and fringe that was glued onto his forehead." You smell sweet "

Jungkook chuckled "is that a compliment?"

"You smell like..." Tae Hyung sniffed him right below the earlobe, making Jungkook giggled at the funny feeling.

"Forest. Like crushed leaves and wet dirt. And of wild flowers..."

His voice droned on and Jungkook drifted off to sleep against his will. He wanted to listen to Tae Hyung talking more but fatigue got the best of him.

He felt the light touch of Tae Hyung's lips on his forehead, like a magical brush stroke on a blank canvas and he passed out.

"I can't believe I lost it!" Tae Hyung screamed in frustration, making flocks of birds fly away in fear.

It was the morning after their uninformed visit at Jin's and they were currently back in the woods, searching for something Tae Hyung had lost in that previous eventful day. He made a huge fuss about it since he woke up and had even turned the cottage upside down to find it ,to Soyeon's utter dismay.

"Tell me exactly what it looks like" Jungkook asked, bending to look under a bush .

"It's a necklace with a key pendent " Tae sounded as if he was about to cry. "God ! Where did I drop it!?"

In the third hour of their frantic yet completely fruitless search mission Jungkook suggested that they should give up.

"I don't think it's here" he wiped sweat from his brows and sighed in exhaustion "we looked everywhere possible. We even searched in Jin's house,even under their bed! "

"But I need to find it!" Tae pouted.

"Sometimes its best to give up ,Tae " Jungkook sat under a shady tree and said solemnly "maybe you dropped while we were running for our lives"

"I don't care even if I have to strip down two entire dimensions! " he hollered stubbornly "I have to and I will find it!"

Without another word he stomped away ,fuming.

Jungkook sighed defeatedly and rose to follow him but froze on his tracks,in complete shock.

Against the Angel (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora