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Tae Hyung

"He ... he is .. gone"
Nam Joon's words were followed by a dense silence. No one spoke for a while.
Tae Hyung stood next to the bed looking down at the lifeless boy. He might be dead but he still looked beautiful. He looked too beautiful to be dead. He couldn't be dead. This didn't feel right.
In his dazed condition,It took him few seconds to realize that Nam Joon was chanting something in dead boy 's ear. He couldn't hear it very clearly first so he thought Nam Joon was just lamenting over his untimely death. But as his voice gradually grew louder and louder , Tae could figure out the words he was chanting, even though his mind was still quite fogged. They were undoubtedly;

"Thy shalt not venture beyond the gates of life"

Nam Joon chanted these words like a mantra and Tae Hyung watched his soft brown eyes morphing into swirls of violet. They looked wild and possessed, by some great force...greater than death.
It felt as if Nam Joon succeeded in putting Tae Hyung in to a trance as well . He felt light like he was floating in the air like a nonchalant balloon.
He heard himself calling in his head .

Black stars danced in front of his eyes and his knees buckled.

He felt chilly and Nam Joon's voice was obnoxiously loud in his ears .
"Who are you ?"
Tae Hyung heard Jungkook asking him.

And with that he blacked out. In the pitch black he saw the outline of a faceless figure ,standing tall and haughty. His wings spread wide like a hawk ready to take flight.

I'm coming back

"I'm tired of people passing out without warning!!"

Nam Joon's voice was loud enough to wake up a fossilized dinosaur. Tae Hyung forced his eyes open to see a super annoyed Nam Joon hovering over him. He shook Tae's shoulder violently making him groan in discomfort and nausea.
"Wake up!"

Tae Hyung obeyed and sat on the floor feeling bit queasy but all the previous intoxication gone from his system.
"What happened to me?"
He asked from the people in the room who were namely Nam Joon, the woman, and Jungkook.

Waaaaaait ......

The boy still looked drained out and pale but was certainly not dead anymore. He sat on the bed looking down at Tae with his big round green eyes.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, " Tae Hyung said , pointing him out "but didn't that boy just die?"
Nam Joon ignored his question all together and held out his hand for Tae to grab.
"How are you feeling?"
"Tired but ok"Tae said balancing himself on his feet. Nam Joon turned to face Jungkook.
"And you?"
"Good as new" Jungkook said with a faint smile."and hella weird "
"I don't know how to thank you" Jungkook's mother said through tears , still holding tightly on to Jungkook's side.
"That's no big deal" Nam Joon grinned , displaying his delicious dimples for the first time. But then his grin fell .
"We should really talk"

Against the Angel (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora