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He had never seen a face twisting up to so many emotions in few seconds.

First Tae Hyung's mouth dropped in sheer shock and then his eyes went wide in pure fear . But then his expressions turned calm like he just gained enlightenment.
    "Ok.Im really sick and having a super crazy dream right now " he grimaced "I wasn't kidnapped, I wasn't bitten by a boy, that boy wasn't brought back to life from death by a warlock, and that boy didn't claim to be a fucking cannibal! I'm gonna wake up any moment and find I'm just high on vodka"
     "Nope, buddy " Nam Joon voiced "this is all real"
He pointed at the ceiling high window . "Look out"
Tae Hyung cautiously stepped over to the window and drew the curtains apart, letting the sun light get in. Jungkook could see the view of forests stretching out on and on .
"I have seen a forest before mister" Tae Hyung folded his arms across his chest
"No dummy, look at the sky"
Jungkook watched Tae Hyung's mouth hanging open in a silent scream at what he saw. He turned his wide blue eyes to Jungkook  and stuttered.
Nam Joon smiled victoriously at Tae Hyung's dumb struck face . "Now do you believe what we say? "
Tae Hyung nodded in slow motion and Jungkook averted his eyes to catch one more glimpse of the magnificent sight of two splendid suns.
"Food comes first, hah?" Jungkook heard Tae Hyung mumbling "so this is what the old man meant back then "
"Try to understand,boy " Soyeon said, her voice a bit damp. "We didn't ask for this"
"So .. can't you like .. eat anything else ? Vegetables?" Tae Hyung questioned.
"They can't " Nam Joon answered "every thing else is poisonous to their blood stream "
There was a minute of silence that gave Tae Hyung the chance to process everything. At the end he sighed and looked up with a crooked smile .
"I see" he said looking at Jungkook  calmly "I guess it sucks but you people can't help it. "
    Jungkook felt his own eyes go wide at  this unexpected maturity from the clumsy boy. He expected him to freak out, throw a tantrum, beg for his life, or at least try to escape. He was almost eaten after all. Down in the cellar, if he wasn't stopped by that non existent gong , he might have devoured at least few limbs.
   "Don't you feel freaky?" Nam Joon asked and he was obviously surprised too.
     "Nah" he sat on the bed again, in all nonchalance "if I was a unicorn I wouldn't be pleased with being judged for farting rainbows. Who am I to judge? You want to eat my ass so be it"
  " like... you don't care about being eaten alive?" Soyeon shrieked.
"That's an odd way to die ,yeah " Tae nodded "but I couldn't care less. I'm a bit suicidal anyway . So if my death help someone's survival? I could at least be useful in death"
Everyone in the room shared the same wt fuck look.
"As stupid as you sound, I should admit it's kinda noble " Nam Joon laughed after a while. And Tae Hyung returned him a boxy smile.
"But..." Nam Joon grimaced "there's one problem "

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