ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙: 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕄𝕪 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕟

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Every story has a beginning and end, some tragic or happy beginnings and glorious or destructive endings. My story is like any other, like another page being flipped as a day passes. This is my beginning to my story and an end to another.

~4 years old~

"Momma! Papa! Can we go to the park for my birthday!?" My mother closed her book and looked at my glimmering eyes, she lightly chuckles and pats my head,

"Whatever you wish." My eyes were shining happily.

"Let's go!" I tugged on my mother's hand and she chuckled, she stood up and set her book on the coffee table.

"Slow down Kuro!" she smiles and walks over to the kitchen,

"Hiromoto dear, Kuro wishes to go to the park."

"Okay then. Kuro get your shoes and any toys you want," my father instructed. I squealed with excitement, and rushed to my room and grabbed an All Might action figure from my shelf and put it into my bag. I rush out of my room, forgetting to close the door to meet my parents. I put on my shoes and say,

"Let's go! What are you waiting for!" My parents smile and we leave the house, on the way there I get lost in thought while walking down the long busy street. I wonder if I will make new friends? I wonder what type of cake I will get?!


I was too lost in thought to notice the screams of terror, the civilians running away, but when a civilian ran by and they bumped my shoulder I realized my surroundings. I looked around through the smoke and soon my eyes landed upon the top of what a family home once was, now it was just a pile of debris, the villain stood on top of the debris proudly with a sickening sweet smile and eyes of blood-lust. He has light tan skin and black hair, his arms are not arms but instead cannons, he was destroying the land around everyone.


I looked back to try and attempt to go to my parents, I see my father running up to me trying to save me from a man named death who is leaning on my shoulder...


Blood, so much blood, the villain hit my father. It was like red cherry blossoms floating in the smoky sky, shining brightly but sadly because that means they have fallen. That explosion would haunt me forever. Death leaned off of my shoulder only to hold my father is a tight embrace. My father's book officially closed. Death is a cruel man, but so are a lot of people. People say he should apologize but nobody apologized for making him this cruel. This cruel reality was like chains chaining me to the crumbling earth to be brought down with it, but as my tears fell I heard a scream.


I look towards the scream and see a young girl with her leg crushed which ended in a broken leg. I looked towards her as the smoky sky got thicker, I saw her as a fragile doll holding onto a thread above the raging fires below, determined to live, even if it is only a thread she will grasp onto to get away from the cinders. Even if I am holding onto my own thread hoping to get out of here, I will get out... with her. I knew it was stupid but at the time I was a mere child, I wanted to feel special, to feel like a hero while ignoring the distruction around me.


I ignore the cinders, smoke, screams, blood, all I see is someone I need to help. I may only be four but I understood the great meaning of life and death, I wouldn't want her to end the same way as only a short story that lasted a few chapters. I ran over to her, hopping over debris, crying, and blood coming out of scratches I got. I reached her and held out my hand,


"Let's get out of here! Grab on!" I looked into her teary eyes and saw a glimmer of hope, she held on but as that happened purple smoke wrapped around our hands and it trailed to her broken foot. It wrapped around her broken foot and it went into the cuts magically fixing her foot and cuts, she smiled with teary eyes and whispered,

"Let's go..." We run over the debris and out the bombing area we cough as we see more famous pro heroes arrive such as Eraserhead, Gunhead, and Ectoplasm. Two of Ectoplasm's clones came up to us and they both picked us up. As they carried us I saw Eraserhead use his scarf to grab a high pile of debris pulling himself on top of the tower. He looks as the villain with his hair floating, defying gravity, while he disabled the villain's quirk Gunhead used his quirk and bullets flew out of his gun like head, hitting the villain's joints and sending him to the ground unable to even use his arms. Another one of Ectoplasm's clones came over and picked up his limp body. I looked back around as the clone set me down, with teary eyes I ran over to my mother who is helping the survivors. Her quirk is to remove injuries but she takes half of the damage, she finishes up, bleeding I ran over to her and hold her,

"Shh.... It's okay sweetie, now where is your father?" I shake and sob.

"H-h.... H.. he is-isn.. isn't..... h-h-h.. h-here...." I sob uncontrollably as my mother caresses my cheek and gives me a weak fake smile.

"It will be okay." She hugs and holds onto me as if I were to slip away. I listened to those fake words hoping for the meaning to be true. I hold onto her as I feel warm water drops on my back, her tears. But I soon again realize the purple mist is coming off of my shoulders where my mother's arms lay and trail down her sides recovering all injuries. She soon passed out from exhaustion.

"M-Mommy...?" I set her down to rest as I sat down beside her and tightly hugged my knees as more tears fell soaking my tattered jeans.

"Hey kid," I look up only to come face to face with the pro hero Eraserhead.

"Y-Yes, s-sir?"

"I'm Eraserhead, call me Aizawa. I'm close with your mom, I know your address and can drop you off and we can hang out as your mother rests, okay?" I nodded my head and he carried my mother and wrapped me in his scarf. We walk down the street and hear murmuring, sobs for loved ones, and pity for the ones hurt. We turn the corner and he takes out a pair of keys that seemed to match our lock. He walks inside, closing the door behind him. He sets my mother on the couch and gives me a gesture to follow him to the dining room table so I do.

"Would you like a glass of water?" I nod, he walks over to the kitchen and soon returns with a glass of cold water and sets it in front of me. I take a sip as he walks over to the other side of the table and sits down.

"So as you know I'm Aizawa. I went to school with your mother, could you tell me about your quirk?" he questions, trying not to bring up my father. I give a weak nod and tell him what I know from what happened today,

"Well, I think I can heal people like mommy but it doesn't hurt. I have to touch them to make them feel better." I kick my feet under the table while looking down and finally finish explaining. I take a sip of water as I look up towards him.

"Interesting, similar to Recovery Girl's..."


Aizawa is like the uncle but he is her godfather. Aizawa and Aiko are like brother and sister.

1317 Words

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