Chapter 15 Betrayal?

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Chapter 15


"How did you know I was here?" John barked at Cynthia making her flinch.

She looked around for audiences but at the hour of night it was empty.

"We keep tabs on our team mates" Cynthia said easily.

"And where was your so called" John lifted his two fingers in the air obviously irritated "tab when I was homeless and starving and sleeping on the park benches?" John asked, anger emanating his stiff body. He omitted the part where he was kidnapped for organ trafficking.

Of all the things he did not want a pity party.

"We missed your tracks when you left the hospital building on discharge." Cynthia admitted ashamed.

"You might have forgotten" Cynthia sounded calm "But you were one of the most important members of the team."

"You told me yourself you hated me." John argued.

"I never hated you" Cynthia closed the gap between the two "I admired you" her hand now softly rested on his cheeks "we were worried about. I cared for you.," she said looking at his face closely "I even ate those pills to act suicidal and stay with you."

John was looking into her eyes but could not read them.

His heart was beating fanatically; the closeness was affecting him. But he never felt what he felt when Kathie was close to him.

"We, your team are your family, not those losers, teenagers who feel that they can rule the world drinking and dancing" the disappointment or aversion quite clear in her stance.

"We were teenagers too" John corrected her.

"Not everyone has happy and happening teenage" Cynthia said and John could first time connect to the sadness in her voice. "We have important things to do."

"And what are your important things" John stopped his shopping, folding his hands around his waist as she walked ahead "Killing innocent children.. wait wait..." John shouted as he realized something "Do you have some vendetta against teenagers?"

"What?" Cynthia turned back towards John "what are you implying?"

"Wiesley" John reminded her "that teenage student Wiesley was innocent and you had made all the arrangements to kill him."

"And how do you know that he was innocent?" it was Cynthia now folding her hands challengingly "you have upset the higher officers that you couldn't do your job properly. They were right" she shrugged and walked ahead

John was inquisitive by now "what were they right about?" he asked and when she did not buzz he held her by her elbows "tell me Cynthia. What did they say?"

"They think that you have rusted after your accident" Cynthia said avoiding to look at him "they were very disappointed that you could not do one single task and we have even lost the terrorist. If not for you we could have held him captive and learnt a lot from him."

"What would have you learnt from hat innocent student?" John asked really upset "he was a mere exchange student who had come for his project, not some terrorist. Somebody had tipped you wrong"

Cynthia was taken by surprise "how do you know that he was not a terrorist." She looked at his face intently reading him "you seem to be sure and confident about it. What do you know?"

She interrogated.

John chose to be silent about it.

Cynthia now turned aggressive "tell me John how do you know so much about the boy?'

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