Chapter 21 Wrong Side Of Bed

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Chapter 21

Wrong Side Of Bed

To say John was startled wouldn't be an overstatement.

He looked so pale and distraught that he did not have to act anymore in front of the warden who was cooing and nursing him making him lie on the settee, which John denied humbly "I think I'll see my doctor", John muttered "thanks."

It was Sarah's turn to pale when she heard about John's departure.

She knew as long as John was in the shelter home no one would hurt them.

But how long would that be?

She shuddered at the thought.

"How about I give you a light massage with the oils. I learnt it from my gran ma" Sarah lifted her eyelashes shyly trying to be ignorant and innocent of the small talk inside the storeroom.

She feared the cctv cameras that were almost everywhere.

"You cannot leave us here." Sarah said as she moved her fingers from Johns back to his shoulder blades, strong muscles rippling beneath had no effect on her; she was that scared.

"I'd be back soon. I promise." He eyed the warden who was curiously looking at the two adjusting her rimmed glasses "with help" he said making sure that their conversation was discreet.

"And what if something happens before that?" Sarah pushed a rough hand on back making him wince. "I ma sorry" she apologized immediately.

"How about I leave my cellphone here and you can call me whenever you sense trouble" John mumbled through his pressed mouth.

"Phone?" Sarah wasn't sure "what if I get caught?"

"You have to be careful" John stated comfortably since the warden had gone bored of staring. That's the most I can do. I cannot fight them alone."

Fighting was okay. But he wasn't sure about the number of people he would have to take down if he'd got to rescue all other inhabitants of the shelter home. He has to be very careful.

He had already started studying g the surroundings. He'd wondered earlier why the home needed bouncers for the security?

And so many cameras....

He tried to learn about all the exits from the home and also was mentally calculating the staff members and caretakers working there incase of emergencies.

He made a mental note of making sure if there were any other security guards or bouncers outside the premises.

The owner might be quite sure.

Who'd doubt on an orphanage and he had legal backing too.

It was the cops who had suggested the place

And Brad looked like a nice man; an honest cop.

If there was anything illegal going on in this place, was Tom aware of it?

Maybe he was thinking too much

Maybe Sarah had mistaken identities...

But why would anyone construct such a huge orphanage in such a posh area of the city.

He could have shifted the orphanage to a little backward area and had earned millions from the property and the papers too said that this was recently constructed.

There was indeed something fishy and Sarah's verdict of seeing some of their abductors here was proof enough.

"We would all fight together." Sarah suggested, her tone excited for he first time.

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