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The meeting with Claude was rather short, but he still managed to tease Christian about taking him down in boxing. He's decided to train me, to keep me "fit," however he doesn't know I'm only doing this so I can keep up with Christian in the Red room. We walk out of the building and I stop in my tracks and take a look at Christian. "What's wrong?" I ask.

He looks tense, I thought he wanted me to do this. I never know what he truly wants, god he's so...domineering and complicated. Why didn't Austen warn about men with so many layers to their personality. "Would you like to stay with me for a few days?" He asks nervously. I wonder if this is what's got him like this. He's like a small child asking whether or not they can go play outside. He's afraid I'll tell him no. It warms my heart that he wants me to be with him. "Mr. Grey.." I trail off and pull the loops of his jean making him step forward. "Nothing would make me happier." I smile and rest my head on his chest, I feel his body relax beneath me as I snake my arms around his waist. "Is this why you've been so quiet?" He let's go of me and takes my hand in his and we walk down heading to Escala. "Yes, I was afraid you wouldn't want to," He says shyly. Oh my I haven't seen this side of Christian, it's refreshing. We walk quietly hand in hand to his penthouse.

"I can send Taylor to finish your errands should you like." We enter the building and step into the elevator. "Sure" I smile. I make mental list of what I want him to do. Taylor is so close to Christian and has worked with him for some time now. He must know a lot more than I'd expect, after all he's like his right hand man. Surely he knew Leila. It still shocks my system thinking about the subs Christian had before me. "Don't bite your lip" I roll my eyes and turn the other way. "Did you just roll your eyes at me Miss Steele?" He asks in a dark tone. "What are you gonna do about it?" He picks me up bridal style as the elevator opens. We step into the foyer and he discards his shoes. He walks us to his bedroom and sets me at the foot of his bed. He removes his sweater and orders me to remove my clothes. He's being quick and short with me. I stand in-front of him and remove my shoes. I remove my jacket and shirt and throw them to the floor. I run my hands down to my jeans and unbutton them. I stare at him as I unzip and shimmy them off. I kick them to the side and reach around to unclasp my bra. Christian shifts in an effort to get comfortable. "What are you going to do?" I throw my bra on the floor with the rest of my clothes. I'm glad that I've decided on black lace. I hook my thumbs into my panties and slowly let them fall to the floor.

"That's quite a floor show Miss Steele," he smirks and tells me to walk over to him. "I'm going to spank you, and then fuck you," He whispers. Oh my, my insides clench in means of finding pleasure. I love it when he's rough, but I love it when he's gentle, I love all of his fifty shades. He holds out his hand and I take it. He tugs me over his knees and steadies me. He strokes my behind and smooths my hair. He tucks it behind my ear. " I want to see your face." He whispers. His hand moves up and down my behind and reaches down to my sex. He sinks two fingers into me and moves them in and out. "Ahh.." I moan. "This turns you on" he murmurs. "You turn me on Sir" I groan. It's true, when I'm around him all I want to do is jump his bones.

He removes his fingers, "Taste," He murmurs and thrusts his fingers into my mouth. It's so erotic. There's a slick saltiness. I groan and graze my teeth on the pad of his fingers. "Stop" He demands and I do as I'm told. He rubs my behind and kisses the mid of my back. He lifts his hands and brings it down at the junction of my thighs, behind, and sex. I'm lost in the stinging sensation. It's not like before, this time the pain turns into pleasure. I groan loudly as he caresses my behind and does it again. I scrunch my eyes together trying to absorb the sensation. He starts a pattern caress, left, right and over again. He does this eight times and on the last one he lets me have it. I moan and everything inside me jolts forward. He picks me up and tosses me on the bed. He spreads my legs open and crawls between them.

"I want to hear you," He smirks as he kisses my stomach. His mouth travels south and finds my clitoris. "Christian" I groan. His tongue circles around and around. I'm going to combust. He flicks his tongue and sucks hard. I pull on the sheets of his bed as I arch my back and fall into a powerful orgasm. Before I know it Christian slides into me and starts a pounding rhythm. I clench around him and he seizes my arms above my head. "Oh baby," He whispers. I wrap my legs around his waist and he pushes deeper, harder, faster. I'm spiraling over and over coming to a delicious, healing, and powerful orgasm once again. "Ana" he moans as he releases and slides into me once more.

He releases my hands and holds his weight on his elbows and lifts his head to stare at me. He kisses me sweetly and my hands find his copper hair. He bucks into me and slides out of me. He kneels on the bed next to me and tells me to turn to my stomach. "How's your behind?"He smiles and rubs arnica cream on my ringing behind. "Good, you can do that to me anytime" I smile and rest my head and slowly fall asleep.

My eyes flutter open and I feel cool breeze run over me. I get up and grab one of Christian's linen shirt from his closet. I walk outside to the balcony and watch the Seattle skyline. I'm stuck in Mr. Grey's ivory tower and I'm afraid I won't ever want to leave. I love this man, and I'm almost sure that he loves me. I lean against the rail of the balcony and stare at nothing in particular. "Anastasia, what are you doing?" I feel his hard front against my back and his arms snake around me like vine. We fit perfectly, as if he was the puzzle piece I've been missing this entire time. "Just thinking about you." He chuckles and holds me tighter. "What about me?"

"That I love you" I murmur. He turns me around and kisses me sweetly. He says nothing but holds out his hand. I glance at him and walk away from him. "Anastasia," he follows. I stop in my tracks and face him. " I love you" I whisper as tears fall down my cheeks. "You are loved Christian, adored and cherished. Why can't you see that?"

"I'm not, I'm a monster, I'm not worthy" He murmurs.


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