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I wake up and glance at the clock, it's 6:30 am. My body feels tense and my limbs are aching. We've only slept for 2 hours. I sit up and stare and at the gloriously naked Christian Grey. Curly tendrils of hair flops on his forehead and his lips are slightly parted, he's snoring softly. Who's the snorer now huh? I smile. He's laying on his stomach his ass slightly raised and his arm laying in my lap. Geez the man takes up his half of the bed and mine. I lift his arm and slip out of the bed without waking him. I grab our discarded clothes and head into the bathroom. I throw them in the laundry shoot and then go to the sink to wash my face. The cold water feels cool against my warm skin. I'm completely naked and I'm not embarrassed or wanting to hide. It's strange how much confidence I've gained since dating Christian.

I stare at the girl in the mirror, I've come so far in such little time, who would've thought. I grab a fresh towel and hang it on the hook outside the shower. I'm worn out and tired, I almost wish I didn't have work today. I run my hands through my hair and then head into the shower. I turn the valve and the water streams down over my head. Oh this feels amazing. I turn it once more to get the water to a cool temperature. I stand there for a while before grabbing a sponge and body wash. I lather the entirety of my body in soap. It smells of Christian. No wonder he smells so good. I peek at the bottle, mm Jasmine. I grab the shampoo and conditioner and giggle as I see the label. My strawberry shampoo.

I quickly finish my shower and wrap the plush towel around my body and wrap one around my wet hair. I apply moisturizer to my face and neck and then head into the bedroom. Christian is stirring in the bed, I'm sure that he'll wake up soon. I grab one of my work suits and heels and put it on the chair not too far from the bed. I slip on a black thong and some stockings and a garter belt. I grab my bra and put it on as I'm about to hook it together I feel hands around my torso. "You should be sleeping," I whisper. "So should you," he kisses my neck and hooks my bra for me. "I have work," I turn around in his hands. "Go later," he kisses my cheek and then the corner of my lips. He's about to kiss my lips but I cover his mouth with my hand. "I haven't brushed my teeth," I flush scarlet. He rolls his eyes and takes my hand from his mouth. "I'll be right back," I almost run to the bathroom and brush my teeth, he joins behind me and does the same.

"I may come home late tonight," I tell him. "Why's that?" I can see his scowl in the mirror. I rinse my mouth and grab a face towel to wipe my lips. "Just stuff..." I wipe his and give him a kiss. "How late Anastasia?"

"Uhm...maybe an hour or two. What's with the formality?" I rub my hands over his shoulders, up his neck, and into his soft copper colored hair. "I'll pick you up and then we can have dinner." He ignores my question and his eyes drop to my breasts. "Eyes up here," I giggle. "Why are you wearing this to work?" His thumb trail along the top lining of my panties. "I have to get dressed, my suit is in the bedroom," before I can step away he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He walks into the bedroom and stops in front of the bed and lets me down. "Get dressed." He says and sits on the bed and watch as I put my skirt and linen top on. I sit on the chair and put my heels on. "When will you go to work?" I ask as I put my suit jacket on. "Soon, I have some things to do here first."

"Kiss me," I say as I get up walk over to him. He puts his hands on either side of my hips and pulls me to his lap. I inch up my skirt and sit astride him. I kiss his neck and run my hands through his scruff. "I like this" I tug. I kiss his lips and he deepens it. My tongue coaxes and tests him for more while his hands work their way around my body, I moan in approval. "Christian," I pull away and bury my head at the crook of his neck. "I love you," I whisper and wrap my small body around him. He doesn't say it back, instead he run his hands through my hair and kiss my forehead. I pull my head back and see a smiling Christian Grey. "You should eat something before work," he kisses me one last time before we get up.

"Join me?" He asks.

"I just have to do my hair and I'll be with you," I smile and grab my hairbrush from my bag. "Don't take too long," he says as he walks through the door. I walk to the bathroom and brush out the tangles out of my hair. Today's going to be far too long, I sigh. It's the first time in a while where I wished I could stay home and sleep all day. My body is tired and so is my mind. Jack needs to get his promotion, I need to close everything off and finally hire someone to take my place so I can begin a new project, Jerry has to approve some new authors, and on top of all that I have to find a new assistant. Oh can life get anymore fun.  I walk mindlessly to the kitchen counter and sit.

"Shit," I murmur. "What?" Christian quizzes. "Nothing just forgot my watch,"

"No," he pauses, "Gail can you please retrieve Ana's watch from her closet?" She nods and stops what she's doing. I eye him and when Mrs. Jones is out of sight I hit him on his arm. "Careful." He warns.

"Why would you do that? I would've gotten it myself," I say grumpily. "She's here to make life easier, it's what she's paid for," he says slowly pronouncing each word delicately and purposefully. I feel like scolded child. I grab my granola and scarf it down. I don't know why but I'm angry and ready to leave. "Anastasia,"

"Will you stop with the Anastasia!" I almost yell. "It's Ana. I'm taking my car, see you tonight," I get up and Mrs. Jones is here just in time. "Thank you," I give her a warm smile and I struggle to put my watch on. "Hey," he whispers and takes my wrist and secures the watch around it. "I'll miss you today Ms. Steele," with his hands one either sides of my face he kisses my forehead, my eyes, my nose, and finally my lips. I lean into him and tease his lips with my tongue. "Mm.." I moan in approval as he grants me entrance, and the urgency and need is there. Suddenly he pulls away and just stares at me. "Have a great day, laters baby."

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