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"Christian where are we going?" I whine as I pull on my lacy red thong. "You'll see," He murmurs and comes behind me. I grab my matching strapless bra and he clasps it. "How long will it take to get there?" I grab the black dress from the bed a slip it over my head and tug it down. It's tight and hugs my curves nicely. " It depends" he shrugs.
"On what?"
"How long it takes for you to come," He smirks. "You look mighty fine."
"Well, you can't have me." I put my hand on my hips and furrow my eyebrows in an effort to keep a serious demeanor.
"Is that so?" He tries.
"Yes." I turn around and bend to reach for my shoes, swaying my behind, trying to tempt him. His hand curls around my waist while another caresses me. "No touching Mr. Grey," I slip on my heels and I stand straight, turning around in his hands. "You like it Miss Steele." He winks and his eyes sparkle.

"Stop" I murmur and take his wrists, pushing them off of me. "Let's go," he kisses my lips.

"Wait," I lick my thumb and wipe the smudge of red lipstick that's transferred to his lips. "Now we can go." Oh I hope it's not a party or some night at the club. Honestly a bar, some music, and my man would suffice. Christian takes my hand and leads us out of the room and to the elevator. I text Elliot and tell him we're on our way down. He replies and says that we're good to go.

"What's your favorite color?" I ask Christian. "It was grey before I met you.." he pauses and looks down to me. "Now it's blue," he whispers. I look at him confused. "Your eyes Anastasia,"
He fixes my stray hair behind my ear and kisses me. "Why?"
"I want to know the little things," I smile and the elevator pings. "And yours?"
"All of them," I say.

We walk through the lobby and through the doors of the hotel. We stop at the loading zone and meet Sawyer and Prescott.

I slip into the back seat while Christian informs them of tonight's plan. In a few minutes he joins my side in the back seat. "Just tell me already!" I squeak in excitement. "I'm taking you to.." He pauses and kisses my hand. "A place," He laughs.

"Oh you arse," I pinch his arm. "You're a feisty one, I don't know why I ever thought you were a submissive." He whispers and then pulls down a shade divider. "Christian, I was nervous when I fell into your office."
        "I know that now, you're a very capable and strong young woman. I love that about you." He looks at me as if I'm some creature he's never seen before. "I love when you dominate me too.." I bite my bottom lip.

"Hmm... I think I'm fond of that too." He takes my hand and our fingers lace together. "Perfect fit," He smiles. "You're quite flowery tonight Grey,"

"For you, I'll be anything." I lean over and kiss his cheek before nuzzling his chest. He gasps and hold  his breath for a second, then  wraps one arm around me, letting me know  that it's okay. I lay there comfortable in his arms, soon I fall asleep.

"Sleeping beauty," Christian whispers and I stir awake. "We're here," He kisses me and my eyes flutter open. "Where are we?" I ask.

"At your surprise," I look through the tinted windows and see large doors that I don't recognize. He leaves my side and walks to my door and escorts me out of the car. "Come," He takes my hand as I hop out. I look around and what seemed like a rather massive door seems small compared to the house on which it's attached. I follow Christian as he walks up a few steps. I wait next to him with one arm wrapped around his, he pulls a single key out of his pocket and opens the lock. "After you," he gestures for me to head inside. The room illuminates, the floor is marble and there's a large stair case running down the left wall. There's large canvases hung on the walls, like the ones he has in his Seattle apartment. This has to be his. I take a few steps forward and an entrance to another room with a complete different aura, red this time. "Is this yours?" I twirl around and find him looking at me with amusement. "Yes, but this isn't your surprise baby," we join hands once again.

"Your surprise is.." he pauses as we walk past a few doors. "In here," we turn right and everyone sits laughing. They stop when they spot us. "Elliot.." Christian says and Elliot gets up and heads into another room. "What's this?" I ask. "One moment," he murmurs.

"Anastasia!" My dad emerges through the door with a bright and beautiful smile plastered across his face. "Ray!" I beam and leave Christian's side to embrace him. "What are you doing here?" I ask excitingly. He doesn't say anything, instead he holds me for a while longer.

I look over his shoulder and wink at Elliot and he goes and gets Mia.

"Brother!" Mia yells as she walks in, she practically runs to Christian and hugs him. "Seems you and your lady had the same thing planned eh?" She laughs.

After we all calm down everyone takes a seat all but Christian. "Come sit with me," I murmur and take his hand. "I know I haven't known you long," he says loud enough for everyone to hear. "You, Ana, are a god send. I've learned to breathe, to laugh, to love; it's all thanks to you." He kisses my hand and drops to one knee. Holy hell! Tears spring to my eyes. He's proposing. Oh my.

"I want to take care of you, to protect you, to love you, and to make all your dreams come true. I love you Anastasia Rose Steele," this beautiful man sits here on his knees confessing his deepest thoughts in front of everyone. Could this be? Christian Grey, the bachelor—Ex Bachelor wants me as his wife.

"I want to give you everything, to spend the rest of my life with you," before he says anything else I cut in, "yes" I'm hysterical, and utterly happy. "Marry me?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" He picks me up bridal style and spins us around. "I love you!" I whisper so only he can hear and kiss him like it would be the last time. "Where's the rock?" Mia yells.

"I thought Anastasia and I could pick it out." He smiles and kisses my lips once more. "Oh Mr. Grey you drive me crazy," He puts me back on my feet but still holding me in his embrace. "Mrs. Grey.. I think you're the one that's driven me crazy." He smiles and pulls my chair out so I can sit. He pushes my seat in and take the one next to me. "To the happy couple!" Ray exclaims and raises his glass. I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder and lacing my fingers with his. "I love you so much, I can't wait for you to be my husband,"
"You'll finally be mine,"
"You've had me,"

"And I will again, " he says with salacious promise.

"What are you two whispering about?" Kate asks as she shifts the attention to us.


Suspense fulfilled...I hope!

But where's Jack?

Updates coming soon.

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