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"Can you please tell me about your mom?" I ask Christian. We are cuddled up in bed, our naked bodies wrapped around each other like vines. My head rests on his chest, my hands fiddling with the trail of hair on his taut stomach. He sighs and stares blankly at the ceiling. "There's not much to tell," he says finally. "You don't have to tell me now..." I trail off and tell him that I want to be closer to him. We've been sexually intimate...many many times, but we've not really explored the side of who we are, what we like, I don't even know if he likes spring or winter best.

"What were you like in high school?" I ask and prop my self up on my elbows. "I guess you could say that I was quiet, confused, and angry." He twirls a stray of my hair around his index finger. "I got into a lot of brawls, mostly with Lelliot. He was a damned tyrant. I was drinking quite a lot and Grace and Carrick didn't know about it. I needed something to take the edge off."

"You didn't have any friends?"

"No, not really. They were all into drugs, partying, having sex with anyone and anything. It didn't interest me much. It's funny even then I wasn't keen to vanilla." He gages my reaction. "You've changed that completely. I'd take vanilla with you any day baby," He kisses me and reaches over and spanks my behind. "Christian." I scowl.

"I started going over to Elena's to mow the lawn and such..and she showed me the ropes." Quite literally. "You were her submissive," I state. Imagining Christian as compliant and bound in restraints isn't something I'm comfortable with. Mrs. Robinson. She taught him almost everything he knows in bed. It makes me uncomfortable. "I was. For a few years. Throughout high school and some in college, before I dropped out. I wanted to do my own thing. It turned out quite well if I might say. She loaned me a sum of money and I did what I could with it. I owe her a lot. She's a good friend."

"She seduced and abused you." I furrow my eyebrows and think of how that could have possibly been a good thing. "It wasn't like that Anastasia." He sits up. "You were a teenager, you needed love, not to be beaten by an older woman."

"I have love now." he takes my hand and kisses it.

"I just don't get it. Why are you still friends with her now? Do you report to her?" I question and sit up, pulling the linen sheets up to my chin, covering my body whole. "Let's not talk about this now," he murmurs and lays back down. "You talk too little,"

"I've never had to explain anything to anyone, it's..." wrinkles become apparent on his forehead as he thinks of a word. I notice that he has a beauty mark on his forehead. I've never really looked at his face before. "difficult, new," he says but still looks unsatisfied. "You talk to Flinn." I point out. "Yes, but that's rather different. I get to choose what I want to talk about. Makes me a hard patient to deal with too." He chuckles.

"Do you remember anything from before you met Grace?"

"You're a rather curious woman, you know."

"You're a rather unforthcoming man, you know," I say and push the sheet aside and climb on top of him, sitting astride of him. I scoot down to his stomach and hold his head with my hands on either side. I look him straight in the eyes. "Please answer me." he nods and run his hands up and down my back. "After the police reviewed my case, I was placed in a foster home in Detroit. However, I met Grace the night they discovered my mother and I. She was my doctor, and after that night she made an effort to adopt me. Elliot was not as excited as they were." He laughs. "Your eyes look the prettiest shade of grey when you smile," I say and stare into his eyes.

"How was the foster home you were in?"

"I don't remember much of it." he sighs.

"Are you happy?" I ask too solemnly. "Do you really have to ask?" he looks disappointed. I shrug and rest my head at the crook of his shoulder and neck. He holds me tightly. "You've changed my life. It has been an education knowing you and your little quirks. You disagree with me constantly, you're braver now and you know what you want and that's sexy as hell. You've made me the happiest I've ever been in my life, Miss Steele. You're marrying me and you'll make me the happiest man alive Mrs. Grey."

"Mrs. Grey hm?" I giggle. "Oh yes, it sounds sexy, doesn't it? Rolls off the tongue, Anastasia Grey."

"I love you, Mr. Grey. Thank you." I peck his lips. "Thank you for what?"

"For this, us. For sharing your life with me, for telling me who you are." I run my hands through his hair and kiss his forehead. He runs his hands through my hair and pulls slightly, in turn tilting my chin up. His lips touch mine. Kissing me slowly, savoring me. His tongue drags along my bottom lip making its way into my mouth exploring as it goes. I groan and inch lower, my behind teasing his manhood. He pulls away and a smirk is splayed across his face. "What?"

"Nothing, you're a wanton creature, Miss Steele,"

"I want you." I bite my bottom lip.

He flips us over and gets up from the bed. He bends and grabs his pants, producing another condom. "I hate these little fuckers." He groans as he climbs back into bed. "Aptly named." I giggle. "Let me," I smirk.

Before I can open it, there's a knock on the door. "Who else knows you're in this room?" He questions. "Just Kate and Mia." I murmur. "This is not over," he says and pulls on his pants commando. "One moment" I shout. Christain heads to the door and opens it.

"What are you doing here?" I lean over trying to see who it is. "Uh, I came to check on Miss Steele, " Shit it's Jack.

Christian's going to have a fucking field day. I hold my head in my hands and sigh.

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