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Christian's POV
"So you're in love?" I ask Elliot as we stroll down fourth avenue. "She's different from the other girls I've been with. She's funny, enthusiastic, full of life. Honestly I couldn't bare to see anything happen to her." He looks up at the foggy sky and smiles. Lelliot in love, it's shocking; considering all the women in Seattle he's bed. You've done it too.. yours even had contracts. I keep an eye at my feet. I should've been a Virgin too, to be with my Ana. Give her me. She's the only woman who's ever made me wish that I had met her when I was young and lost. Perhaps she wouldn't have liked me then. Things play out the way they do for a reason I suppose. "So where are we heading to brother?" Elliot asks as we stop at the light. "For a drink."

"That kind of night .." He chuckles. "No. I'm thinking about Anastasia , she's with that asshole."

"You've got it bad Christian," he laughs. It's true. She's turned my entire world upside down and spun me around so far that I've flown spinning off of my axis. Oh I love Anastasia Steele. "She's a thing and a half. Perfect." I exclaim, "Everything and more," Oh more sounds like a dream, now I know what Ana felt. "So how are you going to propose?" She wants heart and flowers. Am I ready for marriage? It doesn't sound so bad. Mrs. Anastasia Grey. My wife. "So..Drinks?" I dodge his question. I pull out my phone and text Prescott. He nods and we head to the nearest bar.

We've managed to find a small bar, Central Bar. I receive a message from Ana,
From: Anastasia Steele:
Ties and slacks aren't meant for small bars and pubs. Where are you?

I'm almost done with my meeting.

I order a local beer and shoot her back a text.

To: Anastasia Steele:
I'm at The Central Bar. And I removed my tie, and I'm now wearing jeans.

Has Jack tried anything?

I don't get a text back immediately so I text Sawyer and ask him if she's still occupied. He calls me immediately. I've oughta get him to move to Seattle. "Christian," I answer sternly. "Mr. Grey," he greets and pauses. "Miss Steele is still in a meeting. Jack Hyde and Boyce Fox, I believe another woman as well."
          "Thank you Sawyer, take Miss Steele back to the hotel when the meeting is finished," I hang up.
"Put that thing down and have a drink with me!" Elliot says and passes me another beer. Oh I remember my days with cheap alcohol. So many headaches and drama. I order us some solid food. "So Katherine, has she said anything about Anastasia at all?" I ask him trying to pry some information. "Just that she's never seen her so in love!"He says and hits my back. I flinch and then try to straighten myself up. "No man she's not said anything. Those girls know how to keep a secret mate." He then says and takes a long draft of his beer. I hear my phone ring and I pick it up, "I'll be a moment, it's Ana."

"Mrs..I" I stutter, "Miss Steele," I smile. "Mr. Grey. I'm out of my meeting, heading back to our room," she's says and her voice sounds smooth and sexy. "I'll be there soon baby, we were just leaving." I signal to Elliot. "Prescott will drive us. I miss you and that sexy body of yours," I murmur. "How much have you had to drink baby?" She asks sweetly. "Two beers, I'm fine. I've just been thinking about you."
    "See you when you come, don't be long. Bye," she whispers.


"Hang up," I can hear her smile.

"I love you." I whisper.

"Me more. Laters baby," and with that she hangs up.


We've hit 2k!!

Thank you so much loves.

I will try to update two more chapters this week. I've had a lot to do last week. Might update once more tomorrow.

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