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I lay with my limbs tangled with Christian's. He smells of Christian, sex, and me. It's heady and makes me want to throw myself at him. I kiss his taut stomach and purr. "Throughly well fucked?" He smirks as he runs his hands through my hair. "Mm, I feel it Mr. Grey." He sits up and rest his weight on his elbows. I kiss his trail of hair leading to my happy place. He shifts and pulls me on top of him. "I want to show you something," he says as he reaches over to the small chest of drawers and produces a harlot red lipstick. He looks at me and prompts me to open my hand. "It's not really my color..." I whisper. "I know, open it." I do just that and stare tentatively at his chest. "The No-Go areas. It'll put me at ease." He murmurs. He wraps his hand around my wrist and raises it to the base of his neck. His breathing hitches.

The lipstick glides smoothly against his skin. I feel like I'm ruining a masterpiece with this deep shade of red. He guides my hand tracing lines following just under collar bone. It drags down along side his chest and across his stomach just above his navel. His body remains tense and his breathing shallows. I glance up at him and my eyes begin to water. He's gone through so much, too much, in his childhood. It scared him all this time, my lost gray-eyed control freak. I wish I could remove his pain. I mirror what I did and connect the line at the base of his neck. "This is me, I'm all yours." He sighs and stares into blue orbs. "I can live with that," I kiss him with every ounce of energy I have left.

"Do you need me to carry you?" He ask as he rises gracefully from the red leather mattress.  "No...Sir" I smirk. "I have to go get some work done, because a sex crazed maniac captured me and did rude things to me, preventing me from attending." I rise slowly and stride purposefully towards the couch where a silk robe lies. "I think you rather enjoyed it baby." He sneaks up behind me and ties my robe for me. "Mm, more than enjoyed," I turn around in his arms. "Will you leave me to work now?" He kisses me sweetly and move the strays of hair to the side. "Yes, I'll try to do the same."

"Laters Baby" He smiles and releases me.

I sit in Christian's office and open my laptop. It feels like it's been at least a decade since I've done work. When I'm with him time moves slowly. He drives me crazy, but I think it's good. For my very first relationship, I don't know what else it would feel like. I feel like he's the one I'm supposed to be with—life without him seems so unimaginable. I doubt I'd ever meet someone who makes me feel the way he does. I hardly know anything substantial about him, like what he drinks in the evening; I do know his heart. He's a good man, I'm happy that he loves me as I do him.

I fire up my laptop and try to drift away from my wayward thoughts about the man whose chair I'm sitting in. I have so many emails from Jerry, but one from Jack stands out.

To: Anastasia Steele
From: Jack Hyde
Subject: Dante's Inferno

The release of the new book series will be approaching soon. I have booked five rooms at the Marriott Hotel for the reading in New York. Your flight has been approved and the itinerary has been sent to your personal e-mail. Your room has been placed in the same hallway as mine, if you need any assistance.

Everything is ready for Boyce Fox. Is there anything  else I should do?

P.S: Dr. Greene has scheduled another appointment for Friday.

Jack Hyde,
Assistant to Anastasia Steele at SIP

Steele Independent Press, it still amazes me how much I've accomplished in such little time.
Boyce Fox is our number one writer so far and it has been a joy printing his new series. If it weren't for Ray I would've never had the money to purchase this company. Jack has been working here for some time now and has been trying to make his way to Editor; he's fit for the job but I'm afraid I would lose an amazing assistant. I reply to his email.
To: Jack Hyde
From: Anastasia Steele
Re: Dante's Inferno

Thank you Jack. I will be attending the reading with a guest, please purchase another ticket and place the seat next to mine. I will not be needing another room.

I will be entering later tomorrow and would like you to prepare the conference room for our monthly meeting at 11:15am. Jerry will not be joining us.

In regards to your P.S, please add the appointment with Dr. Greene to my work and personal calendar.

Thanks again Jack.

Anastasia Steele,
CEO of Steele Independent Press

I hit send and reply to Jerry. Everything is going as planned and we've managed to to add four new authors in the span of two weeks. I continue responding to my emails and one from Christian comes in.

To: Anastasia Steele
From: Christian Grey
Subject: Lunch

Gail prepared subs for us. Will the CEO have time to make that switch in her busy schedule? I could use other ways to drag you out of there. My hands still twitch from you denying me of what's mine this morning, however you were quite overcome.

Join me. I miss you.

Christian Grey,
CEO of Grey Enterprises
Denied him? By wanting to work. This man. I would like another hiding though. I bite my lip.

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