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We pull up at Christian and Elliot's parents house. It's much larger in person. I look over and see the boat house hiding behind some trees. Christian opens the door for me and I climb out. "Are you ready?" He asks as he takes my hand. "Yes, fine.. the last time I saw your mother I was dressed in your shirt. It's lovely being fully clothed." I giggle. "Oh baby, that could be arranged." He gives my hand a light squeeze and then join Elliot.

"Dinner with the parents? I'd say the man is smitten." Kate jokes. "You're here too.. I'd say Elliot is." I wrap my arms around Kate and we walk together to the door.

Christian and Elliot greet their parents and then introduces Kate and I. "It's so nice to meet you," She greets Kate.

I smile as Grace embraces me. "Dinner is getting plated, won't you all join us at the table."
"We'll be there in a moment mother." Christian takes my hand in his and pulls me to the side. "I have to warn you, my sister is rather talkative." He smiles a new smile. Oh and I thought I knew all of his facial expressions. There's so many sides to my fifty, and all of them are mine...for now at least. "What's wrong?" He asks and wraps his arms around me. "Oh nothing," I hold him tightly. "You just mean a lot to me Sir, I don't want to lose you...ever." I reach up and fix his collar. I unbutton two buttons from the top to expose his smatter of chest hair. "You look hot like this." I smile and kiss his exposed neck. "Shall we go Miss Steele?" He releases me and takes my hand once more. "Yes we shall." We walk hand in hand through the foyer, the kitchen, and through the arc of the dining room.

I see Kate and Elliot at the very end of the table, a brown haired woman—I assume it's Christian's sister Mia, and Mr. and Mrs. Grey. Their eyes shoot to Christian and I as we take a seat. "This is Anastasia, my girlfriend" Christian introduces me. "Ana, my sister Mia, my father Carrick—you know everyone else."

"It's so nice to finally meet you all," I smile. "Anastasia! I've heard so much about you from Elliot." Mia beams. "Ana, please" I whisper. "Christian's never brought a girl home before," she trails off and starts talking about when he was a teenager. She says that he was quiet and reserved but loved to brawl with boys from school. "That's enough Mia" Christian rasps. Everyone bursts into laughter. I realize that fifty shades gave his family a hard time even then. He doesn't realize how loved and cherished he is. I am in awe of them.

"So Ana, where  do your parents live ?" Carrick asks breaking me from my thoughts. "Well my step dad's in Montesano, and my mom's in Georgia—but she's here visiting for a while," I think about what happened. Oh my I still have to face her. I flush scarlet and take a sip of wine. "What are your plans—since you've finished your degree?" He asks. "Well I've bought a company, Steele Independent Press. It was formerly known as Seattle Independent Press. I've always wanted to move into publishing, just never thought I would be here so soon after my degree." Christian rests his hand on my thigh and squeezes. I look at him and he smiles his sexy smile. "That's quite the accomplishment Ana," everybody raises their glass. "To Ana!" Kate beams.

"Dinner is ready!" Grace smiles as a beautiful blonde woman emerges from the kitchen. She serves everyone their plates—cod, asparagus, and garlic roasted potatoes; it brings back sweet memories of Christian and I's meeting at the Heathman. The girl comes around to serve us. "Christian," she greets him and smiles a megawatt smile. "Gretchen." He greets her. She lingers at his side. I shift in my seat and his hand grasps mine. I look up at him and notice his eyes on me. This whole time his eyes has been on me, not her. It's a revelation I smile and lean over to kiss his cheek. That's right, he's mine. The rest of the evening Kate tells stories about her previous vacations, Mia and Christian exchange sarcastic comments, and Grace and Carrick casually asks questions about my likes and career.

"I'm just gonna give Anastasia a tour of the grounds," Christian announces abruptly and we get up from our seats. We head out of the house and along the grass, that I assume is leading to the boat house. "Christian my heels, they're sinking." He picks me up and I'm now over his shoulder. He spanks my behind playfully, "oh!" I gasp and smack his. "Nice ass Mr. Grey." I bite my lip. He stops and deposits me on a bench that sits in front of a large lake. "Oh my the view is amazing." I smile and stare into his beautiful eyes. "Yes it's so serene out here." I take his hand pull him down to sit next to me, I climb into his lap and kiss his cheek. "I meant you," I kiss his soft lips and caress his cheek. "I loved your family." His eyebrow shoots up and his body relaxes. "They were excited to meet you, up until today I'm sure they still thought that I was gay. Elliot broke the news to my dad before tonight though." I giggle. "You're far from it,"

"Oh but everyone else believed it too, even you? You asked me if I was gay the day we met."
"Those were Kate's questions, Mr. Grey" We've come a long way since the day I fell into his office. I lay my head on his shoulder and he holds me tightly. He smells of rich cologne and Christian. I decide it's the perfect time to talk about New York. "So about New York.." I trail off. "We leave tomorrow at noon, and back Friday morning," he looks down at me and nods. "Have you made arrangements for our rooms?" He asks and I shift in his lap so that I can see his face. "Yes, we have a room at the Marriott, next to Jack's" his face falls and he looks upset. "So if I weren't attending this with you, you'd be in a room next to that asshole?"

"Yes, but he's my assistant. I'm sure he wouldn't try anything Christian. He's been lovely." He releases me and cocks his head at one side, not to look at me. "Sounds like you'd rather be around your lovely assistant. At the bar he seemed to be watching you like a piece of meat rather than as a humble servant."
"Christian, stop this. Jealousy doesn't suit you." I scoff. "Can't you see that I'm yours? If he tried something trust that I'll say no and put him in his place. I only want you for fucks sake." I get up from my seat and stand in front of him. "I don't want him to have any chances of trying anything with you, he's a prick and I'm sure there's more to him." I run my hands through my hair like he does and I sigh. "You're going with me, surely that'll be enough to keep your mind at ease."
"Perhaps we change rooms. Take a floor up." He quizzes. I can't give in, he's being overly protective and it's stifling. "No," he gasps in shock. "We have the best room in the hotel, and I'm not wanting to give up our room just for the ease of your mind." I throw my hands in the air in frustration. He rises from his seat gracefully and stands directly in front of me.

"Say it again." He demands. What the hell is he referring to? "What?" He closes the space between us and his hands snake around my waist. "Tell me no." He says and his grip around me tightens. "I will do no such thing." I tease. He kisses the corner of my lips and his hands slide down to my behind. "Tell me," He murmurs. "No." I whisper. He bites my bottom lip and sucks. My hand weave through his hair as we devour each other. Our tongues twist and twirls, consuming one another. It's heady and I want more, I want to show him how much I want him. He pushes his hips into me and I can feel his erection growing. We walk backwards and I feel something hard against my back. It's a tree, holding my support. His hands travel slowly down my body, leaving goosebumps as he goes. I am completely and utterly hypnotized by fifty. His hands finds his way into my panties and sinks two fingers into me. He groans into our kiss and slowly move them..in and out. I lift one of my legs and wrap it around his waist allowing him to be closer to me. My hands move from his hair to his shoulders and I hold onto him. He breaks away from our kiss and drags his teeth along my jaw as he continues his slow torture. I bite my lip as my body begins to weaken from all the pleasure he's giving me. If I come now, he would have won. I smirk and move my hand to his. "Stop." I whisper in his ear and he does as he's told. "What's wrong Anastasia?" I smile and raise his hand to my mouth, I draw his skilled fingers into my mouth and I suck hard. I taste my arousal, it's salty. I bite the pad of his fingers before drawing him out of my mouth.

I fix my panties and my dress and Christian stares at me, confused. "Let's head back, shall we?" I smirk. "What was that?" He asks with disappointment dripping off his tongue. "Sex in your parents backyard? No way." I take his hand and this time we walk on the concrete path.  "We've fucked in their boat house, what's the difference?"
"I suppose you're right, but it's too late now Christian." He runs his hand through his now unruly hair. "Tease." he whispers under his breath. I smile a victory smile and we walk into the house through the back entrance. "Gretchen seems to like you." I mutter. "I'm not fond of her, she's been my mother's housekeeper since she was sixteen." He shrugs. "Are you jealous Miss Steele?" He tests. "No? Yes?, I don't know."
"I've only got eyes for you." He pulls me in and hugs me sweetly. "You've got nothing to worry about." He nibbles on my ear. "Neither do you."

"Let's go home baby" he takes my hand and we head into the kitchen where everyone else is. "We must be leaving, Ana and I have a flight tomorrow." He announces.

We say our goodbyes, Mia invites me to go shopping, and then we're on our way home.

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