(05) Shouldn't have Happened

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"VALERIE!" Vierra scurried over to the wall's edge looking down to find Valerie lying their, a groaning mess. "I'm okay." Vierra didn't pay attention to the rest of Valerie's words, her eyecolor changed, and she looked up to her newest enemies.

"You hurt my friend! And, now I'm gonna hurt you!" A golden light emitted from her body flying out. Every flying machine caught fire falling to the ground.

"That was dramatic." Vierra turned to Ultron eyes still gold. "I'm sorry, I know you mean well.  He just didn't make it through. You wanna protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved, if it's not allowed to evolve?" Vierra blinked away the gold glaring at the robot.

"Look at these." He picked up one of the Avengers legionnaires. "These are puppets." He ripped the face from the machine, and threw it to the ground. "There's only one path to peace. The Avengers extinction." Mjolnir flew into the robot's chest, slamming into the wall.

"I had strings, but now I'm free." Everyone watched the robot until a young Asgardian teen girl spoke up, "Dad?"

Her eyes fluttered shut, and just as she was falling to the ground, Thor caught her.


Thor sat next to his unconscious daughter lying on her green bed. Her love for the color only reminded him more of Loki as a child. The only difference being, Vierra would never do anything to hurt anyone, but Loki would take the chance to deceive, and betray any chance he got.

Thor didn't understand what happened, she had never fallen unconscious before after using that much power. He couldn't control his anger though. Vierra would never had to have used that much energy if Stark hadn't built the robot in the first place.

Thor stormed out of the room leaving a confused Valerie.


"This is insane." Thor could hear the conversation almost 15 feet from the lab. "Jarvis was the first line of defense would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense."

"No. Ultron could've assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy, this is rage." Thor stopped listening as he thundered in, taking Stark by the throat, he lifted the human into the air.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It's going around."

"Come on. Use your words, buddy." Tony clawed at Thor's hands. "I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark."

"Thor. How is Vierra?" At the mention of daughter's name, he dropped Tony. "She's still unconscious, but she seems to be okay. The legionnaire has the scepter. Now, we have to retrieve it again."

"The Genie's out of that bottle. Clear, and present as Ultron." Dr. Cho stood off to the side studying the legionnaire Ultron was previously inhabiting. "I don't understand. You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?"

Tony's chuckles caught the attention of everyone in the room. Bruce shook his head, but Tony kept laughing. "You think this is funny?" Tony turned to the Asgardian "No. It's probably not, right? Is this so very terrible? Is it so—Is it so—It, is. It's so terrible."

"This could have been avoided if you hadn't played with something you don't understand."

"No. I'm sorry." Tony walked over to Thor staring him eye to eye. "It is funny. It is a hoot that you don't get why we need this."

"Tony." Bruce called from the back "Maybe this might not be the time to-" "Really?" Tony turned back to the Doctor "That's it? You just roll over, show your belly? Every time somebody snarls."

"Only when I've created a murder bot." Tony held his hands out "We didn't. We weren't even close. Were we close to an interface?" Bruce shrugged "Well, you did something right. And, you did it right here. The Avengers were supposed to be different than SHIELD."

"Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole?" Rhodey was the one to answer. "No. It's never come up."

"Saved New York?" Rhodey, once again, answered "No. Never heard of that."

"Recall that? A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space. We're standing 300 feet below it." Tony looked to Thor whom stayed quiet "We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers on a live long day, but that up there. That's-that's the endgame. How are you guys planning on beating that?"

"Together." Tony stepped over to Steve "We'll loose."

"Then, we'll do that together too. Thor's right. Ultron's calling us out. And, I'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place, let's start making it smaller." A knock came from the door causing everyone to turn to the newcomer.

"Sorry to interrupt Cap, but Vierra's up, and asking for Tony." Several of the Avengers turned to the Stark with raised eyebrows. He nodded though, keeping a smug expression, and followed Valerie out of the lab.

Vierra still laid comfortably under her green comforter when Tony walked in. "What's up kid?" Vierra smiled when she turned to the Stark man.

"You finally built the AI you had been working on." Tonys eyebrows furrowed "How'd you find about that?"

"Your my best friend. I know everything." That made Tony chuckle, he knew he was close to the young Asgardian, but he didn't know she thought so highly of him.

"That's kinda weird, huh? I need to get out more. My best friends shouldn't be, so old." Once again, Tony laughed.

"Did my dad already tell you?"


"You shouldn't have done that." Stark stayed silent. It was much easier being confident in front of the angry Avengers than it was when talking to such a calm teenager. "I'm sure you were trying to do something good. It's ironic about what Ultron said, I know you have good intentions. But, next time let's not try to play god." Tony saluted the young girl.

"Will do, boss."

Steve watched the interaction from the doorway. In some ways, he was happy to have Vierra on their side. If Ultron was trying to pull them apart, he truly believed Vierra would be the one to keep them together.

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