(13) The Actual War & Pep Talks

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Wanda, and Pietro had done a good job about getting most of the Sokovians out, but there were still some left. Everything was going peacefully, until Ultron's robots began to attack.

Vierra noticed some of them crawling their way out of the ground, so she stomped on it, the dirt pulling the robots back underneath the earth. "Get off the bridge." Robots began to shoot, but Wanda was quick to protect the citizens like she had been instructed. "Run!"

The robot shot at her, and she was thrown to the ground her forcefield disappearing soon after. "Wanda!" Vierra thrust out her hand, and the ground beneath the robots began to levitate. She enclosed her fingers making a fist, and rock did as her fingers did, trapping the robots.

She place the rock box back onto the ground gently, so she wouldn't break any of the bridge. The ground began to pull apart, Sokovia was beginning to fly. "Vierra." Valerie's voice played through her ears "You think you can keep Sokovia on the ground?" Vierra gulped "I can try."

She kneeled to the ground placing her palms onto the ground. She put all of energy into the thought of staying on the ground. "Come on, come on." Sokovia stayed still for a moment, but something hit her from the back knocking her off guard. Pietro could hear her scream at the shot hitting her back.

Ultron must've known what she was trying to do because all of the robots had left their opponents, so they could attack her. Pietro grabbed Valerie who was headed over, and ran to Vierra. Valerie screamed, but she didn't direct to anywhere in particular, she was just trying to protect Vierra for long enough.

"Hey, look at me." Vierra looked up to Pietro with sad eyes "You can do this, okay? Your more powerful than almost all of the Avengers, Alright?" Vierra nodded, and sat back down on her knees.

"Come on, Vierra." The Asgardian girl nodded, and her eyes morphed into gold. She placed her palms on the ground, and focused on the ground. Sokovia slightly moved to the ground, but it still kept going up. "I can't do it." She cried, "I cant."

"That is okay. Look at me, Vierra." The said girl did as instructed, and looked up into the Maximoff boy's pale blue eyes. "You can do this." Her placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, and she nodded. "What if I can't?"

"That is okay, Vierra. You are the strongest Avenger, you can try to deny it, but it is what you are." Vierra gulped before nodding, and going back to her previous position.

Everything was going smoothly, Sokovia was going slowly, but it was going to the ground.

Valerie had to stop, so she could catch her breath, and the robot shot her to the ground knocking her unconscious. "VALERIE!" Before Vierra could move to check on her friend, Pietro was speeding her out of that area. He couldn't risk her getting hurt.

Vierra presses her earpiece speaking lowly "Steve, Valerie's down, and I can't fix Sokovia. I'm not strong enough." The Captain sighed heavily before replying, "That's Fine. I'll get Val, you, and Pietro need to make sure the civilians stay safe."

"Aye, Aye, Captain." Vierra went to fly, but Pietro pulled her down. "No offense, but I am much faster." He smirked cockily, and pulled her over to where the Sokovians were huddled together watching as their home got destroyed. "Do you see," Ultron's deep voice echoed through every robot in Sokovia, so all could hear, "The beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You the Avengers, you are my meteor, my Swift, and terrible sword, and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me, it means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world, will be metal."

"How are we supposed to evacuate the citizens if their is no place to escape."

"We can't, but for now, we can protect them from Ultron." Pietro nodded, and the two began their attack on the robots. Vierra tried to block out people's screams as she began to fly.

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