Chapter 6 'Get To Know Me First'

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Don't judge people -

Duyon's POV

I went inside the house. I was expecting Blaze here, but he wasn't.

I put my suitcase on the living room floor. Slowly walking to the bathroom. I took my black leather jacket off and my black shirt. The wound was bleeding on the paper towel.

After I cleaned around the area, I wrapped a bandage around my stomach where the wound is.

I lied on my back in our bed. I was feeling sick and wanted nothing more than laying the whole day on the bed without moving. But I have to meet Blaze's dad.

I'm a little bit worried because the way he talks about him isn't like someone who loves his dad.

I closed my eyes. It's always hard to fall asleep when your mind is still progressing the events that happened a few hours ago.

Blaze's POV

I stared at his pale face. He looked sick. After a few minutes past by, I decided to move his arm a little, in order to wake him up.

"Duyon, wake up." I said while moving his arm. He slowly opened his eyes.

" When did you arrive home?" He asked me after sitting straight on the bed. " 15 minutes ago" I replied back before sitting on the bed.

" We have to go." I said with a frown. I didn't want to but I have to go. I could see he wasn't too happy hearing this from me.

" Alright, I will change clothes." He said before standing up and walking to the closet. He grabbed his clothes and went inside the bathroom, closing the door.

Why did he go inside the bathroom when he only has to change clothes? We never change in the bathroom.

Duyon's POV

I was sitting next to Blaze, who was riding to his dad's office. " Are you feeling okay?" Blaze asked me while glancing at me for a second before focusing on the road.

" No, not really. Because of the traveling back and forth, I got sick" I said with a half-smile.

" Will your brother be there?" I asked. He frowned. " Why do you ask about my brother?" He asked in a hard tone without looking at me. I could feel he was stressed out, that's why I ignored his question.

" I hope not. My dad said that he only wanted to meet you" He said. I turned my head, so I was looking outside.

Why does he have to suffer because of his dad? I will not let him ruin something, we built together.

Blaze's POV

I opened the door of his office with Duyon by my side. He was sitting by his desk behind his laptop.

He looked up and saw us there. He looked confused. " Why did you bring your friend?" He asked me in a hard tone before standing up. I looked over at Duyon who was still wearing a calm expression.

" Blaze, I told you to bring your fiancee" He said in a serious tone before walking up to us.

" This is my fiancee" I said in a serious tone before looking at Duyon who was already looking at me while smiling. I smiled back and looked back at my dad who watched us with a disgusted look.

" Are you serious? How can you have a man as your fiance?" He asked in disbelief.

I tried to calm myself down but he made it difficult. " I love him. So what's the problem?" I asked him in a hard tone.

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