Chapter 8 'The Next Step'

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Acting is a matter of giving away secrets -

(Picture above is Blaze)

Blaze's POV

We went back to China, visiting my mother. Duyon explained that his parents died, that's why he didn't know how to act with my mother. She cried and hugged him telling him that he isn't alone because he has us.

After talking to my mother we went back to his old home. It was the first house I lived together with him. He was still sick but he didn't want to stay in bed all day.

I was in the living room behind my laptop doing my work. " Blaze, Do you want to go to my parent's graveyard?" He asked me while standing next to me by the table. I stopped typing and stood up. " Of course" I said before placing my hands on his shoulders.

" You never went there, did you?" I asked him while looking straight into those beautiful eyes. " No, I wasn't ready but now I am" He said with a smile before kissing me on the cheek.

After riding to the flower shop, we went to the place where his parents were resting in peace.

I could feel it, he was nervous. He was playing the whole time with his hands. He has a habit of biting his skin off around his nails when he's nervous or stressed out.

" Stop it. It's bleeding" I said in a hard tone before giving him a tissue. He stopped biting and looked at his bleeding skin. " I don't know what to say to them" He said while looking outside the window.

" Tell them what you wanted to say to them all those years" I said while concentrating on the road. We were almost there, it was an hour ride from his house.

I looked at all those gravestones of people who died. Young and old. It brings you to a dark place when being here. Because in the end, we all will be lying in the same place under a gravestone.

" We here" He said before stopping in front of a gravestone filled with white and red roses with white candles lighted up. Mr. and Mrs. Seuno were written on the stone.

" Did you do this?" I asked in amazement while looking at the beautiful roses.

"Yes, I always send roses and candles for them. My mother loved white and red roses. And dad loved candles with the smell of vanilla. We always had it around the house" He said with a sad smile while looking at the roses and candles.

I grabbed his hand in order to comfort him. He squeezed my hand, I could see the tears build in his eyes.

" Sorry that I didn't come earlier" He said in regrettable tone. " I brought Blaze. He's my boyfriend and I love him very much" He said with a cute smile while looking at me. I took my other hand and whipped his tears off.

" I'm living a good life. So don't worry because I have Blaze by my side" He said with a smile.

After hearing everything he had to say to them I felt I had to love my parents more. I have them both but still, I don't show my love enough. I love my mother and father, even my dad when our relationship isn't that good.

Duyon's POV

I was in my bedroom watching movies. It's a while since I watched some Japanese movies. My shoulder felt lighter, it is as some heavyweight were on them. I really needed to go to my parents. It felt good but also weird. I miss them so much. I want to show them everything I did in my life but I can't. Today I accepted the fact I will never be able to show them my life but they are watching me from above, I know it.

I grabbed my phone looking at the unknown number. '' How are you doing?'' A men's voice said. It was Giovann. Why would he call me?

'' Alright. But how did you get my number?'' I asked him in a hard tone. I heard him snicker. '' Duyon, you know who I am. I can get everything and anything I want'' He said in an arrogant tone.

'' There is a treatment we are going to do'' He said. I knew exactly what he meant by that. It was the treatment they perform in order to turn gay people into a 'normal person'.

'' You want me to be there?" I asked him in a hard tone. '' Exactly'' He said. '' When do you expect me to be there?" I asked. '' Tomorrow in the afternoon'' He said.

I am now in China. I can't take a plane and be there in the afternoon.

'' I know you are not in Italy, right now'' He said in a direct tone. '' How do you know that?'' I asked him in a curious tone. '' I know a lot of people. They saw you at the Beijing Capital International Airport'' He said.

''Take the last plane around 12:00 AM. I already paid for the flight" He said in a serious tone. " When I get there I will pay you back" I said in a hard tone while looking at my Rolex watch. I have four hours before the flight.

" You're a rich man if you can pay me back" He said while laughing. " I don't like when people pay for me. I have my own money" I said in a hard tone. I could hear him cursing underneath his breath.

" I sent you the information and ticket of the plane" He said. " When you get to Italy, there will be someone waiting for you. He will bring you to the place" He said in a serious tone.

I changed clothes and took my money with me. I have a secret save in my home in China. When I need money I open this save. Even in Japan, I don't have all my money. It's not that I don't trust Blaze and the house we living in.

It's that I promised myself that everything I own that's important to me will be staying behind in my hometown in China. The money I saved up since I was sixteen when I was streetfighting. The money I get paid from Kyle is also good. But Blaze doesn't know that I have more than 5 million in this safe, from all the work I did in those four years.

Blaze's POV

" Why are you at my house?" I asked her in a hard tone. " I have to talk to you" She said in a serious voice. I closed the bedroom. " You know I took one week off work" I said to her. I was getting angry with her behavior.

" Blaze! I want to talk to you now and it's important" She said while raising the volume of her voice.

" I'm not in Japan now" I said. " I will come to you. Where are you?" She asked. " Don't! I'll come. I will call you when I arrive in Japan" I said in a hard tone. I wanted to be alone with Duyon and enjoy the days off but she has to ruin it.

" Blaze I'm sorry. But I really need you" She cried. I took my hand to my head. I was really getting a headache from her.

The door opened of the bedroom. " Alright, I will come. I'll email the documents first" I said in a hurried tone before hanging up the phone.

" Who was that?" Duyon asked while going to his closet. " I'm working on a project for a museum. The clients want the details and design's of the new room" I said. " So you have to go back to Japan?" He asked me before putting his boots on.

" Yes, I'm sorry but this project is really important" I said. " Don't apologize. I also have to work. I'm going back to Italy for a couple of days" He said. I smiled knowing he wasn't alone anymore.

" I'm going to the airport now" He said before walking up to me. " Call me when you're arriving back in Japan. I will pick you up" I said with a smile before kissing him on the lips. " Thank you" He said after breaking the kiss.

I saw how he closed the door. Why did I lie?

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