Chapter 10 'Meet The Demon'

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Real magic can never be made by offering someone else's liver. You must tear out your own, and not expect to get it back -

Duyon's POV

Again walking thought those dark hallways. Hearing the screams of those people being tortured. I ignored the gruesome sounds for my own sanity. Room 5, I did my best to remember each room I went in.

'Ciao. (Hello)' A man said in Italian. I turned my head to look at him. He had a big scar on his left side of his neck going through the jawbone. ' You're Duyon, right?' He asked me. I didn't recognize him from the meeting.

'Yes, who may you be?' I asked. 'I am Ivan' He said before shaking my hand. He definitely looked a year of five older than me. He was well built and tall. ' I've heard you were personly hired by Giovann' He said with a smile, showing his milk-white teeth.

'True, it was a hell of experience' I said with a half-smile, looking straight into those blue eyes. He didn't look like a mafia member. It was weird but his aura was one of the profession. Someone who was well respected by people. The way he talks is formal with respect. You wouldn't expect that from someone working here.

' I see you are reading me' He said while looking at my jacket. ' You are indeed weaponed good' He said before opening my jacket, and looking at my gun belt with two guns attached to the black leather belt.

'Only those who work with the police carry those around' He said with a smile before touching the belt. I backed away a little. 'I had it made for me' I said in a hard tone.

'Oh!' He said before walking past me. ' Nice to meet you, Duyon' He said before starting to walk away.

I was now standing in front of room 5, were my partner was waiting. I slowly opened the door before stepping a foot inside. The way he was sitting with his back turned to me. ' I'm Duyon' I said in a hard tone. His back was still turned my way. No reply.

He slowly turned the seat. ' Hello there' He said with a grin before standing up. I looked around the room while ignoring him. This room looked like a normal living room with a big tv screen on the way with a big table and stairs.

'What the fuck are you doing here?!' I said in a cold tone before looking at Keith. He was walking up to me. ' Don't curse, I am older than you' He said while walking around me. He was scanning me from head to toe.

' I know you are shocked' He said. ' Never expected me here. The older brother of your boyfriend' He said with a smirk. I took my hand to his mouth closing it by force. We were the same height, I was maybe three centimeters longer.

'Don't fucking say that. Nobody can know' I said in a hard tone before pushing him back. This was not good. He can screw up my mission here. He knows too much about me.

'Ho, ho, ho. You better be careful, because I am the next in line' He said in a serious tone before sitting on the couch. 'Sit' He demanded in a deep voice before grabbing a cigarette and lighter from his pocket.

'When are we going to, Felice?' I asked him. ' Tomorrow' He replied back. 'Next week I'm starting the job. I can't work tomorrow' I said in a hard tone before sitting in front of him.

'No, we will start tomorrow' He said but this time in a harsh tone. ' Why the fuck do I have to start working with you?' I asked him in a hard tone before standing up. Blaze told me he didn't like his brother but he never told me why.

'Because I want to' He said before lighting his cigarette on.

He resembles Blaze in some ways. The way he talks when he's angry is almost the same. I snickered while looking at his angry expression. ' Why are you laughing?' He asked me in a hard tone before taking a drag from his cigarette.

' You resemble Blaze' I said with a smile. He stood up from his seat. ' Oh really?!' He asked with a grin before walking up to me. I was now standing a foot away from the door.

'Does that mean you'll fall for me?' He asked in a serious tone before blowing the smoke from the cigarette into my face. I pushed him away before walking up to him.

' Don't dream about it. Blaze is the only one' I said in a cold tone before turning my back and walking to the door.

' What do you think you are doing?' He asked me in a hard tone. I closed the door, I opened before turning my body so I was facing him.

' I'm done here. Tomorrow is the job. I will come here early' I said. He looked amused by my comment. ' No, because we're partners, we have to come up with a plan. You will come with me' He said in a serious tone before walking to the white table and grabbing a pair of keys.

Come with him? Fuck. ' Alright, sir' I said. Why do I have to listen to him? First of all, why is he working here?

'Sir?!' He asked me in a hard tone. I have to be formal with him. I can't lose control because I don't like someone. He said he will be next in line. That means he will be the next leader of White Blood after Giovann. Why would a Chinese man take over an Italian group? I have to learn more about him.

' Yes, you're older, right?' I asked him but this time without an angry expression on my face but an expressionless one.

'First of all, you curse and now you playing the nice partner?' He asked me in a hard tone. I ignored his question. ' Can I have a cigarette?' I asked him. He looked confused for a second before giving me his pack.

' You have to light it from my cigarette' He said with a smirk. So he wouldn't give me a lighter. 'Are you gay?' I asked him in a hard tone before grabbing a lighter from my jacket.

'Why are you asking it?' He asked in a hard tone before looking at the lighter in my hand. ' Nevermind' I said before taking a drag from the cigarette. It was a while since I smoked. I missed the strong smoke burning my lungs inside.

' We're going to my house' He said before standing up and walking to the door. Without a reply, I followed him.

We were walking through the hallway. When all of a sudden he turned to look at me. ' Who are you?' He asked me in a hard tone. His tone was quieter than before, as he didn't want someone listening to us.

I looked at him. He was reading my expression. ' When I searched for your name. The only thing that popped up is that you're a businessman from Japan. No network, no workplace and, no company name' He said in a serious tone.

He was searching for me but found nothing. What does he want to know about me?

I smiled. ' That's how I like my work' I said.

He turned around and began to walk to the front door.

I feel the more I get involved with White Blood the more things seem off.

Blaze's POV

I was looking at her. Again she was at my house. Sitting on the couch looking at the drawings I made for her new house. It wasn't good of me to let her inside the house when she was trying to win me over, but she's still a client and someone important for the company. I can't screw up the relationship we have as good friends.

'Amazing!' She smiled. ' You did a great job' She put down the papers on the table. ' The house will turn beautiful if the drawings are that good' She said with a smile before taking a sip from her coffee.

' I am glad you're finding the designs good' I smiled. ' Are we done now?' I asked her. She stopped smiling and stood up. ' Do you really want me away that bad?' She asked me in a hard tone before grabbing her purse next to her on the couch.

I also stood up. ' No' I grabbed her by the wrist. ' It's still awkward between us' I said. ' I know, but I really don't want to end our friendship' She said. 'It will not end' I said before letting go of her wrist. ' I need some time to think' She said before walking to the door.

I followed her to the front door. ' See you' She said. She went into her car before starting the vehicle. Did I mess up? My feelings are getting mixed up.

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