Chapter 13 'Price To Pay'

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Nothing great was ever achieved without personal sacrifice. You have to pay the price to realize your goals -

Duyon's POV

I was still sitting on the couch. I couldn't sleep at all. Keith was sleeping on his bed and Felice was sleeping in the guestroom. How will I convince Felice in staying here?

'Are you still up?' Keith asked me while walking up to me. 'Yeah' I replied back. 'What's your plan? We have him here' He asked in a serious tone. 'I can't kill the kid. I'm going to Giovann and tell him we can get twice the amount of money without killing him' I said before standing up. He looked kind of angry but covered fast with a confused expression. 'So I have to stay here and watch over him?' He asked me. 'Yes, please' I said.

Felice was now knocking hard on the door. I locked the door because I didn't want him to escape from here. 'Let's go' I said before walking up to the guest room.

'Calm down, Felice' I said before grabbing his wrist. 'I have to talk to you' I said before letting him sit on the bed. Keith came inside the room and closed the room. He sat next to Felice on the bed. I could see how confused and angry he was.

'Why I am here?' He asked me in an angry tone. I was standing and looked over Keith who gave me a nod. 'Someone wants you dead, Felice. We are hired to kill you in order for your dad to pay money to our boss' I said in a serious tone. He looked at the ground avoiding eye contact. A sign of disbelief, anger, and stress.

'He wants you dead. But I can't let that happen' I said again in a serious tone. He was still looking at the ground. 'But you have to believe me' I said. Because he didn't reply and wasn't looking at me, I didn't know if he was believing me or not.

'Duyon, I know you less than seven hours. How can I believe this?' He asked me before looking straight into my eyes. I went to my jacket and grabbed the photo of him and the documents about him. 'This can't be true!' He said in disbelief while looking at the documents. 'I never did something wrong to a mafia group' He said. I took the documents from his hands.

'Giovann, will do everything in his power to kill you. There's a big chance that after you are dead he will murder your father, as well' I said before looking at Keith.

'I've heard of him from my dad' He said in a hard tone. ' I'm going back to the group but I want you to call your dad. Tell him to give Giovann two million and your life will be spared' I said in a serious tone.

'That's dangerous for you, Duyon. He will kill you if you don't kill him' Keith said in a hard tone before standing up from the bed. 'I have a plan but Felice has to call his dad' I said while looking at Felice. 'What if I don't do that and walk out of those doors' He said while pointing to the bedroom door. I smiled with difficulty. He was making this harder for me.

'Then you will be killed by another member of our group' I said in a harsh tone. 'Can I get my phone back?' He asked me in a hard tone. 'Here' I said while giving his phone back.

After the phone call with his dad, I was still standing in front of him. 'I will get you out of this country alive I know it for sure. Trust me' I looked at him. He stood up, so we were face to face. 'I trust you. But I am scared, Duyon. I don't know what to do and who to believe' He said while raising his voice out of anger.

'Look' I said while raising my shirt up. The stab wound was still fresh. 'OMG' He said in shock. Keith stood up and came over. 'What happened?' Felice asked in a hard tone. ' This is White Blood' I said in a serious tone before bringing my shirt down.

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