Chapter 32 'Who The Hell Is That?'

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I am selfish and I know that. I don't want anybody around you even if it's only platonic. But why does it feel like am battling with my own mind because of your love?

(Picture above is Duyon and Blaze)

Duyon's POV

I was very nervous because Bella is now going to school. I was very much against her going to school because I'm afraid she will be bullied and her mental state will get worse. She's still scared of talking with strangers.

But Blaze convinced me to give her a normal school life. He told me that it is necessary for her to make friends and of course experience life. Even Bella wanted to go to school instead of being all day at home behind her laptop or phone.

It has now been four days since she started going to school. She is so happy and has already made some friends in her class. I am very happy that she's doing well in school.

But there is only one thing that really worries me. Today is my first day at the university and I feel very anxious for two reasons. First of all, I don't know exactly how to keep my disorders a secret while studying for human disorders and solutions. The school is full of doctors and professors who are professionals in the field of disorders.

And secondly, is that I don't know how to keep my split disorder under control without causing problems while studying at the university.

I looked at Blaze who behind the steering wheel driving me to school. He decided to take me to school and pick me up after my classes end. I looked out the window again because I couldn't stand to watch how the bruises on his face were getting darker.

Still, it wasn't me but Neron who beat him up last week. I still felt guilty when I saw those bruises on his body. The bruises on his arms and legs when we shower together. Blaze told me he deserved all the bruises when Neron attacked him. But how can he deserve to be beaten up? How can he deserve to being beaten up, when he's done nothing wrong against Neron?

I was very angry, angry that Neron did not listen to me but went his own way. I haven't spoken to him since the incident. Nameless said he also blocked him so he couldn't talk to the both of us. Better this way because I could kill him right now. If he really would kill Blaze like he claimed he would do, I would have killed him too.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. ''Is everything all right? You look pale '' Blaze asked in a concerned tone. I gave him a small smile before I leaned over him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "A little nervous for my first day of school in almost eight years" I told him with a smile. He smiled back before looking outside. ''We are here. Your class starts in 15 minutes'' He said after checking the time on his phone.

I looked at my watch before turning my face in his direction. "I can't believe I'm almost 30 years old and now attending university. I really feel old'' I said with a smile when I saw his shocked expression. ''Are you joking? You look barely 30 but more 20 years old when I look closely at your appearance. You have to be happy with your younger looks because I look much older than you'' He said before taking his phone from his pocket.

It looked like he was looking for something on his phone. ''But there will certainly be students who are ten years younger than me. Isn't that weird?" I asked him. He turned his head my way before frowning. "Not really, but I understand your worries about their age if you want to make friends. But that doesn't matter for now. It's important that you can study well and get your university degree'' He replied back in a serious tone while looking me straight in the eyes.

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