Chapter 12 'How To Kill Us'

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It is better to be told a hurtful truth than to be told a comforting lie -

(Picture above is Blaze)

Duyon's POV

It's a pity because I am infatuated, I am trapped by that love
Who asks that because I am only some dust, with no one to look after me
If it's is too difficult, then either it's everything or nothing. If I understand true love, it is only because of you
And I will take both your pain and your joy
Though I am only dust, I shall hold dear that love
Then maybe someday I can share with you my warmth. If I understand true love, it is only because of you
And I will take both your pain and your joy
Though I am only dust, I shall hold dear that love
Then maybe someday I can share with you my warmth


Everyone was watching me with some smiling and some looking shocked by the performance. I spotted Keith by the barside smiling at me. 'Thank you' I said while hearing the guys clapping and some even cheering.

Felice came up on the podium with a big smile on his face. 'Did you enjoy the show?' He asked the audience. Everyone was cheering. 'Do want the last song?' He asked them. They screamed yes and I could see Keith also join in with the audience. I smiled, he really was a weird guy.

I looked back at Felice who was waiting for me to answer back. I nodded. 'Alright!' I smiled at the people. 'The last song I will be singing is, It's always you by Weizhou' I said. ' It's an English song so you will understand it this time' I said. They laughed before clapping.


Sometimes I break it's always you
My hands upon my face it's just so cruel
Sitting all alone playing house with a memory
Lost in a crowd looking for some kind of company
They may take your place
But I'm no fool
It's always you
It's always you
It's always you oh yeah
It's always you
Camouflage my pain turning blue
But keep it coming
Falling from your plane parachute
Just for a day, I would love to recover
Just give a chance maybe to another
They may take your place
But I'm no fool


I thanked the band members for the great night and together with Felice, I went back to his office. 'Thank you, you really helped us tonight' He said before hugging me. I hugged him back. 'No problem, it was nice to meet new people' I said before looking at his hands. 'Here' He said after noticing me looking at his hands.

'I want to give you this' He said. I looked at the money he gave me. ' No, I told you I only wanted to sing' I said in a hard tone. I took the money to his desk. ' I can't let you leave without giving you something in return' He said in a hard tone.

'Alright let's drink together' I said before walking to the door. 'Do you want to work here as a singer?' He asked me in a serious tone. I didn't know how to react to his offer. 'Here's my number. My offer is always open for you' He said before giving me a paper note. 'Thank you' I replied back.

'Hey' I said to Keith while putting my hand on his shoulder. He turned my way. 'That was long' He said before noticing Felice behind me. ' This is Felice' I said with a smile.

'So this is your boyfriend?' Felice asked me. I looked at Keith who was already grinning. 'Yes, beautiful, right?' He asked Felice with a smile. Felice looked shocked by his comment and smiled in return. ' Lucky bastard, he is fine as hell' Felice said. Keith nodded in agreement. ' Alright let's drink' I said before taking a seat by the barside.

'Let's go to the VIP tables' Felice said before walking off. I looked at Keith. 'Great job' He whispered in my ear.

'Everything is on me. So order what you like' He said to us. The bartender was standing next to us by the table. 'Your favorite drinks' I said to Felice.

'You look good with makeup. Did you do it yourself?'Keith asked me. 'Shit I forgot to clean my face in the bathroom' I said. 'I did it. He really has a nice skin' Felice said to Keith who was watching me with a weird look on his face. 'I am going to clean this off' I said before standing up. 'No, you look great' Felice said.

After drinking with Felice and talking about life. We were riding back to Keith's home with Felice in the backseat of the car. He was knocked out because of the alcohol.

'You really shocked me when you started to sing. You have a nice voice' Keith said while taking a glance at me. I felt awkward because of the makeup.

'Thanks for the compliment' I said unsure how to react to his comment. I was also drunk but I can hold my liquor good but that doesn't mean that I can't feel drunk at all.

'Does Blaze know you can sing?' He asked me. I turned to look at him. 'No, I never told him because I stopped singing a long time ago' I said.

I grabbed my phone. I texted Blaze. It's a few days since I had contact with him.

I looked outside the window, it was dark. I can't accept the fact that I need to kill Felice because of his dad. It's dangerous to get closer to someone because your feeling gets in the way.

I can't kill Felice. He hasn't done anything wrong except his dad, but that doesn't mean he has to die. Giovann can't have Felice, he will torture him for sure, because he's gay. I don't believe Giovann, when he told me Felice killed one of his members. After meeting Felice he didn't look or act like someone who killed. Because if a person ever killed someone in there life, you can see it in their eyes.

I turned my head and looked at him lying on the backseat, snoring softly. 'You can't kill him, right?' Keith asked me in a hard tone. I looked back at him. 'No' I replied back in a serious tone.

I need to come up with a plan in order to save this kid from being murdered. He's finally living his dream life. I can't take that away from him when he worked hard for it.

Blaze's POV

Her house was beautiful, very minimalist. Were where having dinner. 'This is delicious' I said while looking at the spaghetti blate I had in front of me. 'Do you want more?' She asked me before standing up.

I shook my head. She grabbed the plates and took them to the kitchen. I went after her. 'What's the reason you came today?' She looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. 'I wanted to apologize for the harsh words from last time' I said while still standing behind her.

She turned to look at me with a cold expression. 'Blaze, you have a boyfriend. I know it's wrong for me to like someone who is already taken, but you are making it hard for me' She said in a hard tone. 'I want you' She walked past me to the living room.

I felt bad for her but something inside of me wanted to comfort her. 'I'm sorry' I said before grabbing her by the waist turning her body, so she was facing me. 'I don't know what to do' I looked straight into her eyes. 'I don't want to hurt him' I said. She took her hands to my face. 'Let me' She said before kissing me on the lips. Without pushing her away I deepened the kiss, before bringing her closer with still my hands on her waist.

'Blaze!' She said. 'Let's go to your room' I said in a serious tone. She smiled before taking her hand into mine.

I laid her on the bed. 'Take your clothes off' I said with a deep tone. I could see the hungry look in her eyes. She did what I said. I took my shirt off.

'Your phone' She said. I grabbed my phone that was in my pocket, Duyon was calling.

'He is calling, Isn't he?' She asked me. I waited for the call to end before turning my phone off.

'You're finally mine' She said before licking my abs. I thought about nothing at this moment. I let my feelings aside because I wanted to enjoy the old me. The me who was always playing with the girls and living the crazy bad boy lifestyle.

Feelings can change and I can't do anything about that. Even after doing it with her I still love him.

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