Chapter 24 'I Would Do Everything For You'

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I'll give you my never-ending tears. Hoping it would turn into gold sometime -

(Picture above is Ren)

Duyon's POV

After taking my blood, the doctor went and tested the blood type. It was a match, I also had blood type O. The doctor told me that this is a rare blood type and not many people have it. They also mixed my blood with Blaze's to see how the blood will react to each other. The reaction was normal they said, but it could still reject my organ in his body. They never know 100% if the organ will function in the body of the patient.

They took me to the surgeon's room and prepared to cut me opened for the kidney. Every second is needed. They couldn't wait till tomorrow because Blaze could die any moment with his weak kidneys. We don't know if it's going to work.

I told doctors to sent Ren and Keith back home because the operation is going to be long and I don't want them to wait for me in the hospital. I began to feel sleepy because of the drugs they gave me before the operation.

I closed my eyes. I thought about Blaze and his life. What if he doesn't make it? How will I move on?

I felt scared for some reason. I only want him to survive this awful nightmare but I felt lost. It was my fault he ended up in the hospital in the first place.

Ren's POV

I sat in the waiting room while Keith already left four hours ago. They should be done with his kidney removal surgery. The doctor gave me a receipt for Blaze's kidney transplant. Before Duyon went into the surgery he paid for Blaze's transplant because they needed to know who was paying for him. The hospital wanted to call Keith to ask if he was willing to pay for his brother's transplant but Duyon told them he would pay for it.

I looked at the clock again. The door opened with the same doctor from before and his partner behind him. I stood up and faced them. '' The surgery was a success'' The main doctor said. I nodded while smiling. ''He has to stay tonight because he hasn't woken up yet from the surgery'' He said while looking at the paper note in his hand.

''Can I please stay with him for the night until he is better to go home?'' I asked them. The doctor looked at his partner before facing me again. '' No sorry, you can't stay in the hospital. But you can visit him over five hours, in the morning'' The doctor said in a serious tone. I nodded.

''How many days will it take for Duyon to recover from his surgery?'' I asked. ''About 4 to 6 weeks. It depends on the patients. But he is forbidden to carry heavy things. He also can't play sports or do activities for his own health. When he wakes up from his sleep he will feel a lot of pain and tenderness. Because of his wound from the surgery and loss of a kidney. It's normal to experience pain and have a weak body for a few weeks'' The doctor said.

''Thank you for the information'' I said before turning to leave for tonight. I wanted to stay by his side but that's not possible for now.

Duyon's POV

My body felt very heavy. I slowly opened my eyes looking at my right and left. I was in pain and couldn't move my body properly. I tried to slowly move my upper body so I could sit on the bed but a sharp pain in my chest stopped me from further moving my body.

The room was big and everything was white. The walls, bed, curtains, and floor. I looked at the white clock hanging at the door. It was already 9 hours ago since the operation. That means it's already Friday morning.

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