Chapter 16 'A Whole Other Me'

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Sleep is good, death is better. But of course, the best thing would have never been born at all -

Duyon's POV

I looked straight at the white ceiling. My body felt heavy and painful. I was attached to some wires and devices. I was in a hospital room. I slowly began to sit straight on the bed. With difficulty, I succeeded in pulling my shirt up. My stomach was wrapped in a white thick bandage.

'How are you, sir?' The nurse asked me when she entered the room. She had a bottle in her hands. ' Sore' I replied back when I noticed my voice was hoarse. 'Here water' She said before handing me a glass. I drank it before looking at her again.

'We need to examine you. You underwent an operation of five hours. They took the bullet away from your stomach, so you need to rest' She said before giving me some white and blue pills. 'What are those for?' I asked her while looking at the pills in her hands. 'Painkillers' She replied back before giving me the pills.

Someone knocked at the door before it opened. There stood Ivan with his police uniform. ' Can I have a moment with him?' He asked the nurse. She looked at me for an answer, I nodded. ' 15 minutes' She said before walking out the room. He closed the door before sitting on the chair next to my bed.

'Do still remember everything that happened?' He asked me. I nodded. ' Thank you for saving me back there, but I already was wearing your bulletproof vest. Why did you push me away to receive the bullet?' He asked me in a hard tone. ' I wanted to die. It's that simple' I said. My voice sounded emotionless. He frowned before standing up. ' Do you still want to die?' He asked me. I nodded without doubts.

'I already signed you to a psychiatric ward. Because you're already a danger to yourself. We can't have you hurt people or yourself' He said in a serious tone. ' I already talked with the people working there and they already made a place for you there' He said.

'I am not going there' I said in a calm tone. I am not crazy to go to a mental hospital. Only thinking about it made me angry.

'You have to, Duyon. For your own good' He said in a hard tone. I began to stand up from the bed. The needles that were attached to me, I took them away from my hands. ' Calm down, Duyon' He said before pressing on the red button next to my bed.

Within one minute the door slammed open with two police agents storming into the room with behind them two nurses and one doctor. 'He wanted to leave' Ivan said to the doctor who was looking at me with a hard look on his face. ' Infect him with H.2p' The doctor ordered the two nurses.

'Don't touch me!' I screamed when the nurse grabbed my wrist. I pushed her away before grabbing the needle that was lying on my bed.

'Don't come closer because I will stab this needle into my eyes' I screamed at them. They all looked at me with a hard expression painted on their faces. The two police agents whispered something into the ear of the nurses before looking again at me. 'Please calm down, sir. We only want to help you' The nurse from earlier said while walking up to me.

'I want to leave' I said while looking at them. 'Duyon, it's already too late' I heard Ivan say. I turned his way. This was my mistake because the second I turned, the two police agents jumped on me. 'Noooo!' I screamed while trying to punch them. Because I was too weak, my body couldn't hit them.

I felt the needle into my skin. ' Doctor, I told you he was too dangerous to be in this hospital' Ivan said. I felt dizzy from the drug they injected me with. 'He needs to go, now' Ivan said in a serious tone. My hearing was getting worse and my eyes closed.

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