Chapter 9 'We Play The Game Of Insane'

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The more we deny that we have a dark side, the more power it has over us -

Duyon's POV

A big room full of everything. Weapons, blood, people, cries, and laughter. The walls were white in order to see the results better. Blood was the way for them to know how the treatment went. Because turning abnormal people normal, it has to be done correctly.

'' Set the shock volume on 60%'' Giovann said to the tattooed guy. It was a normal-looking chair only full of shock wires. Forth time after the pain treatment. Hitting the 'sick' people with a wooden stick on the spine, until they're backs where bleeding.

I looked over to the other four guys who were torturing a girl by the other side of the room. She was crying for help. Screaming for her loved one to save her from this hell she was in.

There were two guys standing by the door, guarding it. For the 'sick' people when they want to try and run off to the door in order to escape.

I looked back at the left side of the room where Giovann and the other four guys where. In total are ten White Blood members here including me. They were still shocking the man with wires. My blood turned cold when hearing his screams.

'' Why are you doing this to me?'' He screamed while crying. He shook his head in panic. '' Please..'' He begged them. '' Let me go'' He cried.

'' I'm healed!'' She screamed. I looked at the guys who were standing over her laughing. '' Bring the lie detector'' One of the men said. They brought a device with wires. '' Attach her to the device'' The same man said before the guys began to do what he demanded.

They turned the lie detector on. It was making weird noises before making a loud peep sound. '' She is lying!'' The other man yelled before slapping her hard on the face. She began to cry louder. '' Bring her to room 66'' The same man who slapped her earlier said. The other two guys began to drag her to the door, followed by the other two guys grinning to each other.

I noticed a pair of eyes on me. I turned to the left side of the room where the guy was being shocked with wires. Giovann was smirking when he saw me looking at him. He gave me a sign for me to come to him.

'' I see you are enjoying the show'' He said with a filthy grin before walking to the door. I followed him. '' What is room 66?'' I asked him in a hard tone. '' The rape room'' He said before opening the door.

Walking through those hallways. Hearing the screams in different kinds of rooms. Are they really a mafia group? It looks like they are a group full of serial killers trying to kill people for nothing and make money out of it. I began to dislike this place with all my life.

'' After going through room 66, they are put into room six. A cell, after two days we will see the results of the treatment'' Giovann said before opening the door of room 66. The girl from before was on the ground naked with those four guys on top of her. She was crying, screaming and even begging for them to kill her.

He closed the door while looking at me. '' You are giving a scary vibe. Do you not like this?'' He asked me in a hard tone. I began to smile with much effort. '' That's not it. It a shock seeing this for the first time'' I said in a neutral tone trying to keep my smile.

'' What happens to them after those two days?" I asked. '' They turn normal or they will kill themselves. If it's neither of those then we will kill them'' He said in a serious tone.

'' Your mission next week is a difficult one. That's why you will have a partner'' He said while looking at me. '' You have to kill the son of Beppe'' He said. '' Who is Beppe?'' I asked him in a hard tone. '' He is the man with a company worth of 50 million. His company buys and sells famous artworks. His son, Felice, made one of our men gay and killed him'' He said in an angry tone.

'' So the son is a multimillionaire who is gay?'' I asked him. We went inside his office. '' Yes, we demanded money for the loss of our own. But Beppe refused to give us money'' He said before taking a seat by his desk. '' So you want Felice, his son to pay for it?'' I asked him. '' Yes'' He said before giving me a picture of Felice. He looked young, he had blond hair and green eyes. '' His hair isn't blond, right?'' I asked him. '' No, he has straight dark brown hair'' He replied back.

Why would they kill his son, if they can't get money from it? Giovann has to get somehow money from this mission, but how?

'' How will you profit from this mission?'' I asked him. He looked up from his laptop before smirking. He didn't reply back. He was waiting for me to answer my own question. '' Bring his body to use in order to threaten the dad for money'' I said. He began to smile. '' Duyon, you are indeed smart. I like that about you'' He said while giving me a creep look. I didn't like how he was looking at me. Like some animal who wanted blood.

'' Kill Felice and bring the body here. The dad will give us the money we want'' He said with a smirk. '' Alright'' I said before walking up to the door. '' Go to room 5. Your partner is waiting for you. He is a skilled member of my group. Don't disappoint him'' He said in a hard tone. I frowned. '' I will not'' I said in a cold tone before closing the door.

I did come here to get information about the group but I am getting something else. How long have I to do this? This place is making me mad. Seeing those gruesome things is not good for the mind. But why are they doing this?

Blaze's POV

We were standing in the hallway of my house. She waited for five hours. Is she crazy? I still was looking at her crying face. 'You can't be gay. How can you?' She screamed. I did my best to keep myself calm.

'I will not let you be the boss of the company that my father is supporting' She said in a serious tone before giving me some documents. 'I know you need the company and without my dad's money it will be impossible' She said with a grin. I saw my picture on the paper with on top of it with big letters ' New CEO, gay and is cheating on his fiancee' were written on the paper.

'Are you kidding me?!' I said with an angry tone while looking at her face. 'Blaze, accept me' She demanded before pushing me against the wall. She took her hands on my chest before slowly licking my chin. 'I know you didn't have sex with your boyfriend' She said in a hard tone before taking her hands on my manhood.

'Don't touch me!' I said in an angry tone before pushing her back. ' You missed being with a woman' She said while coming closer again. She began to take her jacket off. ' I will comfort you. Blaze, I will always help you no matter what' She said while taking her hands on my shoulders.

'How will you have a happy future with a man?' She asked in a hard tone. 'You can't have a family because he's a man' She said. ' Nobody will accept your relationship. And in the end, they will stop supporting your company because you're abnormal' She said before grabbing her phone. 'Look' She said before giving her phone.

It was an article from two years ago. The man went bankrupt because he was gay, I read from the article. ' I told you. I want to protect you' She said before taking her hand into mine. Leading me to the living room. 'Please Blaze, think about it. Because I want to give you a bright future without problems for you and your company' She said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

'I will leave you for now. But I'll wait for you' She said before walking towards the door.

I looked at the clock, it was already past time. I went to the fridge grabbing the red champagne. I took a whiskey glass from the sideboard.

While drinking the red champagne, I looked outside the window. How can I not be happy without Duyon? I love him. But why do I have doubts about my feelings for him?

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