Chapter 21 'I Fell Back Again'

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Why is it? when you think you've changed for the better, you go back again to the place you most hated. Your old self -

Duyon's POV

I didn't know how long I was unconscious. I stared again at the white ceiling. My body was trapped inside the straight jacket. I was lying on the bed in the punish room. I saw the camera in the corner of the ceiling. They knew I was awake.

The door opened with my primary nurse and the head of the nurses. I hated that man with all my life. His ways of dealing with the patients are insane. He was the reason I almost lost my mind in here. He was the man who I saw together with the woman nurse when I came here for the first time. He is the boss of this place.

I noticed the shock device in his hands. 'Duyon' My primary nurse said before looking down at me. 'Why am I here?' I asked him in a hard tone. I didn't do anything wrong, I only helped the girl from being raped by those two sociopaths. Why did they bring me to the punish room?

'We know how you are, Duyon' The head said with a grin. My primary nurse who was standing next to him looked confused. I looked straight into those dark blue eyes. ' I helped the girl. Lay and Kay attacked me' I said while raising my voice from the anger I had built-in. 'Connect him to the device' The head said to the primary nurse, who nodded. 'No!' I screamed in anger. I knew what there were up to.

They are going to shock my body. Until I give up and listen to them. 'No, I did nothing wrong' I screamed. My primary nurse began to paste the stickers on my arm, hands, neck, and legs. 'I am getting better! Why are you doing this?' I said to my primary nurse who looked at me with a defeated expression. He didn't want to do this, but he had to.

'Shock him!' The head demanded. I began to panic. 'Don't. I did nothing wrong' I pleaded at them. After my sentence, I felt the electric shocks through my body.

'You did wrong' The head screamed into my face. 'Nooo!' I screamed back. My head began to hurt from the screaming. 'Go higher!' The head demanded while still keeping his eyes on me. I tried to turn my head to the other side to look at my primary nurse, but I couldn't. The pain was unbearable.

'You do not help a mute girl' The head screamed. Tears were coming from my eyes. 'You do no help people because it brings you problems!' He said turning his angry expression into a grin. 'I didn't do anything wrong' I screamed back. I began to see white dots in my vision.

'Higher!' He demanded again. My body began to vibrate uncontrollably. 'Please, stop!' I pleaded while feeling my breathing getting uneven. The pain turned into a burning sensation from my head to my legs.

'You did wrong' He screamed again and again. I stopped pleading before closing my eyes. 'You do not help mentally ill people' He said in a hard tone. I opened my eyes and looked at his grinning expression. I felt defeated and tired from all of this.

'I did wrong' I said while trying to stop my tears from streaming down my face. His grin turned wider. 'That's what I thought' He said before unlocking the straight jacket. I felt the air again on my arm and legs I was trapped but he had other plans. I saw how he took more shock stickers and stuck them on my thighs and stomach. After removing the whole straight jacket. I was now only in my underwear.

'I did wrong!' I cried. 'I will never help someone' I pleaded but he only smiled when he saw I began to panic more. 'Shock him again' He said to the primary nurse before turning to look at me.

I yelled, begged at them to release me from the shock device but it only was getting worse. The head was getting pleasure from hurting patients. I could see it from his eyes and expression. He did this because he likes to hurt others. It gives him a high kick from hurting us. Pleading for mercy, he has our life in his hands. He likes how we beg at him into submission.

Knowing The Cold Heart (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora