Chapter 22

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Teachers were loading the fifth years down with work. With all the work and additional studying for the O.W.L's, Evelyn decided not to even accept any offers for dates, she just didn't have time. Sirius wasn't making things any easier, he needed to get over himself and just realize Evelyn wasn't interested, but he hadn't been bothering her lately so he may have given up, hopefully.


 It was November, and the first Quidditch match Hufflepuff v.s Ravenclaw had already passed with Hufflepuff winning, thanks to Nicole. Nicole really did love Quidditch and her friend Stacey Bodes joined and became the new keeper.

 " I'm looking forward to the match against Gryffindor," Nicole said to Evelyn during dinner. The brunette smiled, " Yeah I am too, Well looking forward to seeing you knocking Jones off his broom." she joked. Nicole threw her head back and laughed. " Glad we're on the same page." she quipped.

 Evelyn had a strange feeling in her stomach, she wasn't sick it was more of a bothersome feeling. " Hey, Nic, Imma head to the common rooms- No stay- I'll see you soon," she said getting up.

Nicole furrowed her eyebrows, " You okay Ev?" she asked. Evelyn nodded, then left.


 Evelyn decided to take a walk, but not too far, due to the fact of it was almost curfew. Her mind drifted off to that dream she had last year, something bad was going to happen, but what. The scene had been familiar like she had seen it all before.

 Someone came around the corner scaring Evelyn half to death. Evelyn yelped and almost fell backward, but she caught herself. " Truelove?" asked a familiar voice.

 Evelyn looked up and frowned, " McKinnon." she said curtly. Marlene scowled at the girl but then smirked.

 " Well, I'm sure you've heard already so I'll just be going...." Marlene said. Marlene hadn't moved so Evelyn guessed she wanted her to ask.

 With a sigh. " What?" she asked. Marlene smiled. " Oh! You haven't! Well, Sirius asked me to Hogsmeade." she giggled.

 Evelyn wasn't really surprised. " Oh okay....well it's getting late- so bye." Evelyn was starting to walk off, but Marlene stopped her.

 " So stay away from him." she snapped. Evelyn had to hold back a laugh. " Ok," she said bored with the conversation.

 Marlene huffed with annoyance and stomped off, unsatisfied with Evelyn's reaction.


 The boys were sitting around a cauldron in their dorm. " It's done!" James said stirring the foaming liquid. Sirius smiled, this is how they were going to help Remus, they had already spent a month with that damned leaf in their mouth- this was the final step. 

 "Amato Animo Animato Animagus." the boys chanted one last time.

Bottoms up," James said passing cups around that were full of the liquid. " Okay!"

 The boys gagged as they downed the drink, shuddering at the disgusting taste. James finished first, Peter second, and Sirius last.

 Being the drama queens they were Sirius and James were coughing, gagging, and pretending to throw up. Peter rolled his eyes but shuddered at the taste. He got up to get them some butterbeer when Remus walked in.

 " What are you- I TOLD YOU, IDIOTS, NOT TO DO THIS!" he roared. Peter shrank back, and James let out a nervous laugh about to explain but Sirius clapped him on the back.

Sirius grabbed the butterbeer and downed it, " Thanks Pete- OF COURSE, WE DID IT! WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS!" he yelled back. Remus threw his bag on the bed and looked down on Sirius- being taller than the rest of his friends.

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