Chapter 4

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Y/N's POV:

It's been a week since my little Mia was born. I was back home and Ariana and her friends have stopped over every night since she was born, until they sadly had to leave for the rest of tour.

Thankfully she had three more shows in New York and they were all able to give a huge hand in caring for her. Plus they get a break next month and promised to fly back to come visit.

For now, Ariana hasn't failed to text me every chance she gets, checking on the baby and I.

Aria has been staying with me and helping as well. I can't thank her enough.

As much as I love being a mom already, it's been a very difficult situation for me to be in as well. I catch myself thinking about the bad things in life and have been stopped by Aria multiple times when I was thinking i'm not enough.

My life up until Mia was born has been shit. My parents died in a car accident when I was 19. It took a huge toll on my life. I went down a bad path and made awful decisions.

At the end of last summer I had a traumatic experience at a bar. I had went out to clear my head, and ended up being taken advantage of by a random drunk dude who had gotten me pregnant.

Luckily there were witnesses. He was found guilty, and is now rotting in jail and I have full custody of Mia.

I'm trying to keep everything together for my baby but it gets difficult sometimes.

The crying of Mia on the monitor pulled me out of my thoughts.

"I got it" I said to Aria.

I walked upstairs into the nursery and gently brought Mia into my embrace.

"It's okay baby mama's here" I cooed to her swaying her side to side before sitting down to feed her.

Aria walked in a few minutes later.

"How are you doing with everything?" she asked.

"It's been rough at times but I wouldn't dare bring harm to her or myself" I said.

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm always here for you" she smiled.

"Hey, I didn't know you had that in mind for her name" She said.

"I know. I had thought about it and after that night I knew I had to" I said.

"Yea..." Aria said

"What?" I asked with a laugh still rocking mia in my arms.

"Nothing.." I gave her a look that means 'tell me now before I freak out'.

"Okay, okay. Like yea you were literally in labor and stuff but like... don't hide the fact that something was up with ariana" she said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

Of course I know what she's talking about.. I felt something when I held her hand.

"Look I don't know if it was the best timing but I saw something in both of you the night Mia was born and even after. I'm no love expert but something is there" Aria said.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about" I said placing Mia back in her crib.

"Whatever you say. All I know is that night two girls were brought into your life that are going to be with you forever. Think about it" She said.

I just nodded like she's crazy.

"I'm gonna head to bed. See you in the morning" Aria said before hugging me and walking out.

It was now 2:30 in the morning and I still hadn't fallen asleep. No matter how much Mia keeps me up and how exhausted I was I just couldn't slee. My mind kept thinking about Ariana.

So, I decided to text her.

Just as I started typing she did as well.

At the same exact time we sent the same text.

"Are you awake?"


I just saw IT Chapter Two and as a huge IT fan i can say I'm a very happy girl:)

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