Chapter 23

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Ariana's POV

At the moment Y/N and I's relationship has been on the DL.

I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible with me and especially to keep Mia safe as well.

I haven't posted any pictures of her or Mia and she hasn't posted pictures of me.

Once Y/N and I had become official and I was over more often Aria had moved out of Y/N's house and in with her boyfriend. She knows about us and has agreed to keep it quiet until we are ready.

My friends have obviously kept quiet about it as well. We have been out together only a few times but we managed to sneak by the paps without any of them seeing us. Some people have seen us but they seemed to keep their mouths closed about it.

I decided I wanted the world to know she was mine and I was hers. I should probably talk about it with her soon.

"Hey babe?" I called out to Y/N.

"What's up babe" She walked into the living room with Mia and sat next to me.

"Not to rush anything, but when do you think you'll want to make our relationship public" I moved to look up at her.

"Whenever you're ready I guess" She shrugged.

"I want the world to know you're mine" She placed one of her arms around me.

"Ok baby" I smiled and got up to do some laundry.

When I finished up I walked back into the living room to see the TV on, Y/N was fast asleep as was Mia who was laying on top of her.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of them then posted it on instagram with a white heart as the caption.
Since the whole world knows about our relationship now, Y/N and I had decided to go out to eat and not worry about paparazzi taking our picture.

"Are you sure you want to bring Mia baby? It can be a lot on her" I asked.

"I'll just cover her, she'll be okay" She placed Mia into her car seat and shut the door.

Once we got to the restaurant the paparazzi immediately starting snapping photos before we could get out of the car.

"I'll grab Mia first you stay in the car for a minute" Y/N said and got out of the car.

I could hear them throwing so many questions at her already and I saw some girls who must be fans trying to get to her.

I heard the smallest whimper come from Mia and I turned to her.

"It's okay baby mama is coming to get you right now"

She looked out the window to see Y/N opening the door to get her.

Y/N unbuckled Mia from her car seat and she laid her head on her shoulder while Y/N covered her with a blanket.

She closed the door and opened mine for me. That's when the screams got even louder. The questions were immediately being asked left and right.

"Ariana is this your girlfriend?"

"Who's baby is that?"

"Ariana is that your baby?"

"The pregnancy rumors were true!"

"Ariana who are you with? She's beautiful!"

Of course I saw a cheeky smile from Y/N after that last comment.

We kept walking not answering any questions.

Once we made it inside we both let out a breath we seemed to be holding in.

Y/N uncovered Mia and she picked her head up to look around.

Every single person's eyes were on us and the entire restaurant was silent other than the light music playing in the back.

"Don't let us distract you from your dinner" Y/N said and I hit her arm lightly and laughed.

Some people went back to eating and talking but there were a few who kept watching us and taking photos.

We sat down in a booth and a chair was brought for Mia.

My phone starting ringing and it was my mom.

"I have to take this one second" Y/N looked up and I gave her a quick kiss before answering. I heard a few gasps and some topic of conversation switch to Y/N and I.

"Hi mama" I said as I stood near the door.

"What is going on Ariana? Why are you and Y/N all over social media?" She asked.

"We decided to go out to dinner and make our relationship public" I replied.

"Oh sweetheart I'm so happy for you!" She exclaimed.

We talked for a few minutes before she let me go back to my dinner.

The rest of dinner stayed the same. For the most part people were minding their own business but i could still feel a few eyes on us now and then.

My mom came over to watch Mia and we got a few friends to go out to a bar together.

It was about 1:30 in the morning and we walked in and sat at a booth.

Everyone decided to drink a little but I just felt like having some water.

For some reason Y/N and I couldn't keep our hands off each other and we're not talking very much. Our friends didn't really mind.

I could feel the eyes on us again but I don't really care. I don't have to hide her anymore.

We got back around 3 in the morning and were exhausted.

The next morning I woke up to a video on TMZ of Y/N and I from the bar last night...
Turns out the mystery guy was you after all lmao..ok bye.

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