Chapter 12

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Ariana's POV:

It's been a month since I've last seen Y/N.

All I can say is it's been torture here without her.

We face time every chance we get, i've sent her some gifts at each tour stop and she tries her best to send something back.

I just got back to the hotel and am exhausted. Birmingham had a lot of energy and although I loved it, keeping up with them was draining.

"Hey Ari, the crew is going to the bar downtown, you coming?" Tiley asked.

"I'm exhausted, I think i'm gonna call Y/N and get some sleep" I said while yawning.

"Ight, call us if you change your mind" He said running to catch up with the crew.

I took off everything, put on a crew neck and got into bed.

I couldn't wait to talk to my baby.

I called her once and it went straight to voicemail..

That's weird..she always answers no matter what and it should only be around 7pm in New York..

I tried calling her again and it went to voicemail once again.

Before I started panicking I tried one more time.

This time it rang a few times before she answered.

"Hello?" She sounded out of breath.

"Hey.. what took so long to pick up?" I wanted answers now.

"Sorry I was helping Mia" She answered but I heard someone in the background.

"Y/N who's at the house?" My voice raised a little. I swear my worst thoughts better not be coming true.

"'s just..Aria?" She answered, but it came out more of a question.

"Face time me right now." I was pissed.

"I can't. My uh... my camera is broken.."

"Y/N would you get off the phone and get back over here please?" That was definitely not Aria.. It sounded more like-

"It's Isabelle. Y/N and I have things we need to handle so if you could stop calling her that would be lovely. Have a good night!" She said before hanging up the phone. 

I know this bitch did not just..

This can't actually be happening to me.

I tried calling her again but it went to voicemail again.

I texted and called her each at least 50 times before I decided to call Tiley.

I'm giving Y/N a chance to prove I did not just hear what I heard.

For now i'm getting drunk and forgetting all about it.


I'll be updating tomorrow😁💗

(pls don't kill me, I know y'all ain't cheaters dw)

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