Chapter 30

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"W-what are you talking about? What the fuck are you doing in my house!" I yelled at him.

"You got my boy locked up, you took his kid, and you just think you're going to get away with it?" He says moving closer.

"He fucking raped me. You think your boy should just get away with that?" I stepped back a bit.

He laughed. Suddenly two more men came from behind him.

"Baby, he was just having a little fun" He smirked.

Just as I was about to say something the door opens and he points his gun towards it.

Oh shit. Please God don't let anything happen to my babies.

"Hey baby how are you- Y/N what the fuck?!" Ariana was stood in the door way with Mia on her hip and she covered her head and turned her away.

"Speaking of, theres the kid. Take her" He nods his head to Mia.

"Y/N what the fuck?!" Ariana starts moving back.

"Man come on, don't touch my fuckin kid" He points the gun back at me.

"And you're gonna stop me?" He moves closer.

Suddenly Ariana took off and the two men looked back at us.

"What the fuck are you looking at go get the kid!" He says and before he turned back around I managed to knock his gun out of his hand and twist his arms behind his back.

"I swear to God if your boys do anything let alone look at my daughter I will fucking end you, understand?" I twisted his arms tighter.

"I'd like to see you-" I slammed his head against the island counter and he dropped to the floor.

I brushed my hands off and got my phone out to call the police before running to find my girls.

Ariana's POV

I don't even know what was going on but I kept running as fast as I could and Mia started to cry.

I looked behind me to see two men chasing me.

Right when I looked back I almost ran into a car.

"Ariana? What are you-"

"Please let me get in your car, please" I said desperately.

"Hmm.. why should I?" She said

"Madison I don't have time I can't let them see this. Take us to your house now I'll explain later" She didn't ask questions and sped back to her house.

I called Y/N, praying while it rang.

"Baby? Where are you?" She was out of breath.

"I'm with madison we're getting away from them. Where are you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just called the police they should be" She was cut off by sirens in the distance.

"There here, I will call you when everything is clear, do not come back here until I call you okay?" She said.

"Okay, please be careful baby. I love you" I said.

"I love you too" She said before hanging up.


Once the cops showed up, I could see the other two men in the cars.

"Where is he ma'am" the officer asked.

"He's in the house in the kitchen.

A few minutes later they came back out with him in handcuffs.

"We are going to get you, you bitch" He said to me on his way out.

"Miss, don't mind him. You are safe now" another officer said to me and I smiled at her.

"Alright I'm going to have to ask you some questions, that okay?"
Next update coming soon:)

Stay safe 🤍

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