Chapter 32

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Ariana's POV

"My dad is alive" Y/N said with an emotion I couldn't read.

"What?" I walked closer to her grabbing her hand to bring her to the couch.

She explained everything that happened to her and by the end of it we were both crying.

"I'm sure he didn't only come here to use us for money" I moved a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm sure he did. It's bullshit. How could he do that to me?" She teared up again.

"Baby, don't you think you should let him explain?"

"I don't want to hear it. He put me through so much pain" She said leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I know baby" I said running my hand through her hair.


Y/N had gotten her mind off of everything for a little while but she still refuses to go speak to her dad.

She was asleep in bed so I decided to go to the store to get her some snacks.

As i'm searching the shelf for some Oreos I hear someone call my name.


I turn around to be met with a man that looks a little familiar.

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked with a smile.

"More than you know, but Y/N wouldn't allow it" he said and my eyes widened in realization.


"Her father. Yes" He finishes.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I should be speaking to you" I said turning back around.

"Please, I can explain everything. I tried talking to her but she wouldn't listen" He says moving closer.

"Look, I'm trying to get Y/N to come talk to you but she won't budge. I don't think she would want me listening to what you have to say without her being here. I wish I could help you with whatever you need but at the moment it's not my place and I ask that you kindly accept that" I said grabbing the Oreos and walking away.

Of course he follows me.

"Please just hear me out" He said walking behind me but I ignore him.

"Y/N has a sister" He says making me stop in my tracks.

I turn around but don't say anything.

"I need to talk to her" He said with begging eyes.

I looked around to make sure nobody could hear us.

"1465 Beverly Hills Drive. Tomorrow at 8pm. You better have a superb explanation" I said walking to the check out.

Tonight is the night. Y/N's dad should be here soon.

"Baby I don't get why we can't go out" she whined.

"We have a guest coming for dinner. You're probably going to hate me after but I can't tell you who it is because I know you'll sprint out of the house" I turned off the stove and continued preparing dinner.

Just as Y/N was about to speak the doorbell rang.

I walked over to the door and Y/N followed.

I opened the door to Y/N's father standing outside.

"Absolutely not" Y/N says going to grab her shoes but I pulled her back and held her there by her shirt.

"Y/N, I really need you to listen to this. Please just let me explain" He said.

Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh.

"Fine" was all she said before walking into the living room and sitting on the couch.

"I'll leave you guys to it" I said going to go in the kitchen.

"No, please stay" Y/N begged.

I nodded and turned off the stove.

I sat next to her and her father sat on the other couch.

"Before we get started would you like anything to drink?" I ask Y/N's dad and she lightly hit my arm.

I give her a "what?" look and turn back to her dad.

"A beer would be nice" He says leaning back slightly.

I get one from the fridge and place it on the table in front of him and he thanks me before clearing his throat.

"Y/N I have to tell you something and I don't know how you're going to take it" He said sitting up slightly.

"As if you being here right now hasn't been enough of a shock this week" She said rolling her eyes and I placed my hand over hers.

"Y/N, you have a sister" He said searching her face for a reaction.

I looked at Y/N and she sat there blank.

"I what? Are you telling me I have a half sister or something?" She said looking over at her father for the first time.

"No. You're mother was pregnant when she died and they were able to save the baby" I looked at Y/N who seemed emotionless.

"How did I not know?" She said.

"You were across the country. We told you to come home, we weren't going to just spill the news over the phone. Especially not while we were in the middle of everything" He reached for the beer and took a large sip.

"Where is she?" Y/N asked.

"She's at my house right now. I didn't know if i should bring her or not" He said.

"By herself? If she was born when mom died she can't be any older than 2!" She shot off the couch.

"I was gonna be gone for 30 minutes she's sleeping at the moment" He said.

"Are you fucking mental? You can't leave a two year old alone!" She said.

"Drive me to your house now" She said walking out the house, slamming the door behind her.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Would you guys want Ariana and you to keep the sister or no?

Lemme know what you guys wanna see:)

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