Chapter 15

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Y/N's POV:

Ariana's last show for her European leg is tonight and I cannot wait to see her.

She comes home tomorrow night and she claimed she will be spending her nights at my house. Although I would love her all to myself I know she'll have to see her family eventually.


The next night

"Baby!" Ariana came sprinting into the house laughed herself onto my latching her legs around my waist.

We stayed like that for a minute before I brought her down to the floor and kissed her.

I've been waiting months for this.

"I'm so glad you're back baby" I said kissing her again.

She pulled away and brought her arms from around my neck to my waist.

"I want to see Mia where is she?" She looked around the room.

"She's upstairs sleeping" I walked up the stairs and she followed.

Mia had gotten a lot bigger since Ariana left. She could do a lot of things now as well.

"Holy shit she got so big!" Ariana whispered.

"I know she can do so much now too" I said.

"Can we go lay down I'm exhausted" She said grabbing my hand.

I nodded my head and walked to my room.

She stripped down to just a crew neck and got on her side and i followed.

"I'm so happy i get to be back" She said placing her head in my neck and wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Me too baby" I moved my hand to her back and kissed her head before drifting off into sleep.

I'm sorry this ones short, i need a filler... Updating soon tho.

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