Chapter 33

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As soon as we got to his house I jumped out of the car and ran through the door.

My apparent sister could be heard crying from upstairs.

I ran upstairs, following the sound of her cries and opened the door softly.

As I walk in I gasp as I am met with a mini version of me. Same eye and hair color, my nose and facial structure match completely.

I slowly walk over and immediately she reaches for me so I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder, calming down.

Ariana and my dad walk in and Ariana has the same reaction as me when she turns her face to them.

Ariana is holding Mia.

She walks over to us and rubs the baby's back softly.

I can see the guilt in my dad's eyes.

"Her name is Rosie Grace" My dad says.

I don't answer as I sway us back and forth, holding her back.

Rosie lifts her head up and looks over at Mia.

She smiles and reaches out to touch her.

"How could you do this to her" I looked over at my dad.

"I don't know what I was thinking, it was an honest mistake" He says looking down.

"She's staying with us for a while" I say confidently.

"That's not going to happen" my dad says walking over to us, reaching out to Rosie, who leans further into me.

She looks scared.

"What did you do" I asked angrily.

"Nothing? What are you implying" He says.

"Bullshit, she doesn't want to even be near you!" I said as calmly as I could.

"We both know that's not true, now give me her" He says going to grab her again put she turns away and starts to cry.

I hear the front door close in the distance.

"Babe?" I hear a woman call.

I look at my dad to see what his reaction is.

"I think you guys should be going now" He says taking Rosie who starts to kick and scream.

She looks at me, reaching her arms out, with a face full of tears and a pout.

The woman from before walks in confused.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"Nothing, Gabby. I'll be down in a minute" He says to her.

She nods her head staring at me and walks down the stairs.

"You're not even going to introduce your own daughter to your little girlfriend" I ask.

"Y/N please, not now" He says.

"I'm not leaving without her dad. You neglected her, I should have you put in prison for child endangerment!" I yelled.

"Y/N, get out of my house now. You will not speak to me this way" He says getting angry.

"Give me the baby" I go to reach for her and he grabs my wrist making me wince.

"Let go of her!" Ariana yells.

"Get out now" My dad says.

I take Rosie from him and we walk downstairs.

"So I'm assuming you just let this happen" I say to Gabby.

"Please, he will be downstairs soon. I can't talk about this now but just know i'm with you on this" She says.

I hum in response and leave the house.

The car ride was silent. Ariana was holding on to Rosie tightly as I drove to the closest store to get a car seat.

As we strolled through Target, Ariana couldn't help but bring up the events that had happened.

"You can't let him keep her" She says.

"I'm not going to. He hasn't changed at all, thank God my mom was there to raise me" I said going down the baby aisle.

My dad wasn't exactly the greatest. He's always been involved in bad things since as long as I can remember.

That's what I meant when I said it was his fault that what happened to me happened.

I grabbed a bunch of clothes and toys for Rosie as well as a car seat and a crib.

"She can stay in Mia's room until we figure this out" I said as we waited on line.

We paid for everything and set up the car seat in the parking lot.

Once everything was settled I drove us home.

Ariana started to cook dinner and I sat at the island contemplating how I would go about this situation.

"Well, do you want the police involved?" Ariana asks.

"I do. I know it's best for her but it's my dad" I rub my head.

"He hurt you baby. It hurts to hear this I know, but he was never your dad" She comes over to me and rubs my shoulders.

"You're right. I'll start everything tomorrow" I got up and went to check on the girls who were asleep in the living room.

The babies were fast asleep next to each other.

I smiled and pulled a blanket over them and sat down to watch them and Ariana comes in.

"It's your dad's girlfriend, she wants to talk"


I know I'm not one of the bigger writers on this app, however I do know that people read this book.

With everything going on right now, I thought I should take a moment to use my voice, even if it doesn't go a long way.

To start off, It shouldn't have to take the murder of a man for the world to start speaking up.


Please don't think that posting a picture is the best way to help.

There are many things you can do.

There are many go fund me pages you can donate to.

There are petitions you can sign.

I put a picture with links of where you can donate at the top of the page.

If you need further details please contact me.

If you are protesting, please stay safe.

If anybody needs to talk or anything, please feel free to message me 🖤

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, more updates soon🤍

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