Chapter 28

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*If any of my friends found this book pls just don't read this chapter im not kidding just exit now i don't wanna talk about it okay bye*

Oh btw there's smut, pce

Y/N's POV:

I've been able to cut my work hours a bit and have had so much more time with Ariana and Mia.

This is especially good because I was finally allowed to take off for a day and it just so happens to be my birthday.

I woke up, without my alarm for once, with Ariana pressed up against me and my arm wrapped around her waist.

Careful not to wake her, I removed my arm and went to go use the bathroom but stopped dead in my tracks once Ariana pulled me back down to the bed.

She climbed on top of me straddling my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. She moved to my neck causing me to gasp, which she took as an opportunity to deepen the kiss.

After a couple minutes she finally pulled back and looked at me with the biggest smile.

"Happy birthday sexy" Her smile grew as she spoke and she leaned down to peck my lips once more before I thanked her.

With that she slid out of bed and walked downstairs.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. I threw on black jeans and a pink thrasher hoodie before brushing my hair and teeth.

I walked out of the bathroom to the smell of pancakes and almost broke my ass on the stairs as i ran down them.

"You made me pancakes" I asked with a smile.

"Nah these are for Mia" Ariana said making me frown.

"I'm kidding baby, of course they are. Go sit down" She said pointing to the island with the spatula.

I took a seat next to Mia's high chair and gave her a kiss on the cheek making her smile.

Ariana walked over with my plate and placed it down in front of me. She made me a couple of pancakes topped with whipped cream and strawberries on the side.

"Thank you my love" I said as she walked to give Mia hers and clean up.

"So what do you wanna do for your birthday?" Ariana asked.

"You" I said while still looking down as I ate.

I looked up and saw ariana roll her eyes playfully and laugh.

"Baby was last night not enough?" She laughed.

I gave her one of those "You're joking right" looks and shook my head.

"Besides that what else" She said.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing really. Just being here with you two is enough" She smiled.

"I'm gonna arrange something i'll be back" She said running off somewhere in the house.

After a few hours of just hanging out and opening the gifts Ariana got me, which by the way was too much, Ariana said she had made plans and we had to get ready.

"Can I just stay in these clothes?" I asked giving her puppy dog eyes.

"If you really want to but i suggest you don't" She said walking up the stairs to get ready.

Miracle Babyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें