Chapter 27

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Ariana's POV *A bit of a time skip*

Y/N has been very busy lately and I have been taking care of Mia most of the days.

She feels awful for having me do so but she got a new job and they've been making her hours longer so she wakes up extremely early and comes home after Mia's been put to bed, so I understand.

I don't mind either.

It's just been a bit difficult because I don't see her as often either and I wish we could have the hours we used to.

My phone rings bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Hi baby" I answered.

"Hi my love, how is everything?" She asks.

"It's good I just put Mia down for bed and I'm just watching the news now" I got up to go check on Mia.

"That's good. I should be home within the hour. Just finishing up as we speak" She says.

We keep our conversation going as I walk up to Mia's room.

Everything seems good so I leave the door open a bit and walk back to our room.

"I'll see you too baby, I've got to go" She says.

"Okay baby, I love you" I say back.

"I love you too, bye" She says and hangs up.

I sigh and walk to the kitchen to get some water.

It's 12:30 am and Y/N still hasn't come home.

Just as I was about to call her the door unlocks and she walks in.

"Hi baby. I'm so sorry I had to stay a bit-"

"Are you cheating on me?" I cut her off.

"What- Baby I would never? Why would you even think that?" Her face drops and she looks very upset I asked that.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I even thought that" I sighed.

"I know it's very frustrating with us barely spending any time together. I'm sorry it has to be this way right now" Y/N says.

"It's okay baby, you gotta do what you gotta do" I say walking over to her and giving her a kiss.

"Wanna go to bed and watch a movie?" She asks.

I nod my head and start walking to the bedroom.
Y/N finally has a day off and we are eating breakfast while Mia plays on her play mat.

We are just casually conversing before I hear something come from Mia's direction.

Y/N and I turn our heads and see Mia get up on both legs and start to move a bit.

"Holy shit!" Y/N yells getting out of her chair as we encourage Mia to walk to us.

I pull out my phone to capture the moment.

Soon enough Mia starts moving one leg then the next and she walks all the way to us.

"Yay! Good job baby girl!" Y/N says picking her up and twirling her around as she laughs.

Suddenly Y/N stops and Mia looks over at me.

"M-" She points at me.

"Is she about to say something?" I ask.

"Mama" Mia says pointing at me again.

Y/N and I look at each other confused and I walk over to them.

"Mama!" Mia says and holds her arms out for me.

"No baby, that's mama" I say pointing at Y/N.

"She said her first word!" Y/N says and we both laugh.

"Yea but baby she needs to know you're mama not me" I say.

"That's not true. We're BOTH her mama" Y/N said and my heart swells.

"Aww baby" I smile.

"She'll learn eventually that we're both mama" She said.

"Mia baby, that's mama too" I say pointing to Y/N.

"Mama" She points at me.

"Mama?" She points at Y/N.

"Yes baby! Good job" Y/N says.

She is a really smart baby, that's for sure.

Mia just looks so confused but she'll know when she's older.

We spend some time pointing things out to her and seeing if she'll say them but she called a banana a nana and the rest she didn't even try.

I really can't wait to watch her grow up with Y/N by her side.

Your kid is smart.

Anyway, I hope y'all are staying safe🤍 Hoping this will all be over soon.

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