Chapter 6

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Ariana's POV:

"H-hi Y/N" I said as she pulled me into a hug and I looked up at her in adoration. I couldn't help it, she looked so beautiful.

"Jesus Y/N what the hell are you doing to Ari" Frankie joked as he walked in and gave her a hug.

She just laughed as she stood by the door greeting everyone as they walked in. I still had my arms wrapped around her. Maybe i'm being just a tad weird but i never wanna let go.

"Thank you guys so much for coming back. You have no idea how much it means" Y/N said as she closed and locked the door making me have to let go.

"Of course Y/N, we will always be here for you don't forget that" My mom said.

"Can we see her now?" I asked impatiently.

"Yea she's up in her nursery, I have to make her a bottle but i'll be right up"

We all walked quietly up the stairs so we didn't wake her and entered her nursery.

Mia was sound asleep with her little hand holding her blanket lightly.

I could cry she is the cutest ever.

Y/N walked in with a new bottle and made her way towards her crib.

"You wanna feed her Ari?" She asked.

I nodded my head with a dumb smile on my face and took a seat in the rocking chair.

We have been here for a while now and we're supposed to be heading to the hotel we're staying at soon.

We were sat in the den watching the TV. Frankie was holding Mia and he could not be happier.

"Can you come to the kitchen with me for a minute" Y/N whispered in my ear.

I nodded and got up to follow her. This could either be really reeeaaally good, or really bad.

"Where are you two going?" Frankie asked with a smirk on his face.

"I just need some help cleaning up the kitchen" Y/N replied as she turned around and made her way down the hall.

"Mmmhmmm" we heard Frankie's voice followed by a whack from a distance.

"Ow mom my arm, what the hell!" We heard him say making us both laugh.

I took a seat on a stool by the island and waited for Y/N to talk.

"I think there's something we both need to get off our chests" She started.

"I don't want to do this now with everyone here. Would you be able to stay the night with me?" She asked.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been a bit busy. Also sorry for the short chapter but i hope you still liked it:)

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