Chapter 25

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I have gained 1 million followers within the span of 48 hours.

Do I care? No. In all honesty the numbers have never meant anything to me. I could have 1 follower and I would be just fine.

Am I grateful? Of course. I'm so glad that many people like me enough to follow me. I just don't think it's the biggest deal in the world.

"Baby can you help me zip up my dress?" Ariana calls from the bedroom.

I walked in and she's standing in front of the mirror in a long, white, silk dress. I stop and take in her appearance for a moment before walking over.

As I zip up her dress slowly I watch her in the mirror. She gets more beautiful every single day.

Once I finish she turns around and gives me a kiss.

"Thank you baby. Are you ready to go?" She asks.

"Yeah I just need to grab my keys" I say going over to the dresser.

"Thank you for taking her Joan" I say giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You be a good girl you hear?" I point my finger at Mia with a smile on my face before kissing her cheek.

"Bye mama" Ariana says before we walk out.

After a 30 minute drive we arrive at the event.

We walk hand in hand through the paparazzi as we make our way to the door.

An older looking man opens the door for us and we thank him with a smile.

"I already smell the wealth in this bitch" I whisper to Ariana and she laughs and lightly hits my arm as we walk over to some people.

"Ariana! I see you brought along your lovely girlfriend" Some man says to her before looking over at me.

"Mike Chipolone. Pleasure to meet you. I am Joan's good friend, you probably know my daughter Courtney" He puts his hand out for me to shake.

"Y/N Y/L/N Sir. The pleasure is mine, and yes of course" I say shaking his hand.

"Mike where is Courtney by the way? She is here right?" Ariana asks.

"Yes she is. She should be over by the bar" Mike says.

"Okay I'm going to go over to her. I'll be back in a few" Ariana says.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Chipolone" I say before turning to walk with Ariana and put my hand in hers.

As I go to walk away he puts his hand on my shoulder so I turn back around.

"Please Y/N you're family now. Call me Mike" He winks and I nod with a smile before turning back to Ariana.

When we walked a little away from him Ariana begins to talk.

"That's a good sign. Mike is just like my mom, he's never liked anyone I've dated before" She says and I smile.

"Courtney!" Ariana says as we near the bar.

"Hey babe!" Courtney says and gets up from the stool to hug us.

"Y/N, looking fine as always" She winks at me before turning to grab her drink.

"Keep it in your pants Chipolone" Ariana says making us laugh.

We chat with Courtney for a bit before walking away so Ariana can talk to more rich people.

After an hour of her talking to fancy people my eyes started to close so I decided to go get a drink.

"I'm just going to the bar to get a drink" I whisper to Ariana and she nods before going back to her conversation.

"I'll just have a margarita please" I say and the bartender starts making my drink.

I feel someone take a seat next to me.

"Having a good time?" They say.

I turn to be met with a beautiful girl. Dark brown hair and eyes.

"Eh. I needed to get a drink to keep myself awake" I say and she laughs.

"I'm Madison" She says.

"Y/N" I say turning away to grab my drink and slip the bartender a 20.

He nods and I turn back to Madison.

"You come here alone?" She asks moving closer to me.

"No" I hear someone say behind me and feel arms wrap around me.

I turned around to see Ariana staring straight at Madison.

Damn bitch. This girl didn't even get the chance.

"Oh. Hey Ariana" She says with a blank face.

"Beer." Ariana says looking disgusted.

"Baby we should get going. It's getting pretty late and we need to get back to the baby" Ariana says scratching the back of my neck lightly and kisses my cheek.

"Yep" I said getting up.

"It was nice meeting you" I said to Madison.

"No it wasn't" I heard Ariana say as she walks away.

Madison goes to talk again but I know better than to keep Ariana waiting. Especially because of another girl, one she doesn't seem to like very much.

I just smiled and walk towards Ariana.

We said our goodbyes to everyone and headed out to the car.

As soon as we get back to the car Ariana grabs me and pulls me in for a kiss.

"You're mine. I hate Madison and we don't associate with her" Ariana says.

I just nodded my head quickly and started the car.

I'm sorry I haven't updated. Although I'm out of school right now I still have a lot of work piling up.

However, I hope y'all are staying safe and healthy.

This is a scary time but we will get through it.

Stay inside bitches.

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