Chapter one

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The buzzing of the night seems to fade as the clock signals that it's early morning.
The streets have quieted down to a haunting silence.
The slightest hint of sound is only heard from the ruffling of papers as Sonii prepares for her shift to end. She wipes over the last few tables and packs away the supplies and rings the bell as if to tell her manager that she's leaving.

Outside a young man waits for her. He arrived here a few minutes ago, after his shift ended at the 24 hour convenient store across the street. He protectively puts his hands over her shoulders as they walk together towards their home.

"And how was your night?" Sonii asks with too much energy at such as early time.
"Ah that age old question deserves my age old answer... same old same old." He answers with a smirk, knowing she hates routine answers.
"Well, shouldn't this time be any different? As I recall, someone turns 17 in 3...2...1!" She overdramatizes the moment by using the imaginary watch on her sleeve to count down.
"Oh yes! And you know what? So does the person standing next to me!" He says with a fake enthusiasm, jokingly mocking his sister.
"Happy birthday Sonii." He adds with a smile after a moment of silence.
"Happy birthday Sol." She replies as she wraps her arms around him.
She leaves her arm hanging around him as they walk into the night and sing their own rendition of the Happy birthday song to themselves.

The sun peaks out from the dark, reminding everyone that they should prepare for another day. Even though the sun indicates the day, it is the song which radiates energy and seems to fuel the people they come across and awaken the plants as they continue walking. Further and further from the mundane life in the town and deeper into the woods, towards their home.

A modest household despite the fact that they are a big family. Old fashioned to the common, breathtaking to the dreamer. It's front steps could resemble the beginning or end of many tales.

Just like every other day, Mr Sinclair (or James as the kids refer to him) waits outside for the twins to arrive.  If anyone could receive the father of the year award, it would be him. Even though he isn't their biological father, he never once treated them differently. He stands in his nightgown and admires the birds who have just woken up and made their way towards the bird feeders.
He greets the twins with a tight hug and whispers to them how lucky he feels to have been able to raise kids like them.

He walks them into the house where Mrs Sinclair (who everyone calls Jane) stands holding a homemade birthday cake. She wears her hair in a loose bun and cover her clothes with a white apron. Her look seems to mimic that of moms in a homemakers catalogue.

Antonio, the oldest of the seven, starts off the traditional birthday tune. He gracefully moves his hands as if to conduct the music but fails as everyone ends up singing off tune. They're not perfect but they're memorable. The happiness on the twins' faces can be seen even in the dim lights and it's feels as if time itself has stopped

"Come on, make a wish." Jane sweet voice says as holds the cake closer to the twins. Sonii and Sol give each other a knowing look and smile ear to ear, before blowing out their candles.
Their wish?
It's the same every single year.
A wish to have happy moments like this forevermore.

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