Chapter forty-seven

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As soon as it clicks in his head, Sol becomes nothing more than a flash of lightning bolting throughout the palace towards the library. He shoots past his sister and nearly knocks Toni and his pastry dish over.

Once he reaches the bookshelf, it attracts him like a magnet. He doesn't even realize that his whole race attracted Sonii, Milo and Toni. They all watch him closely, curious to know why he ran there so quickly.

Sol hastily pulls out the book than pushes past his friends and hits the book down to the table. He stars rapidly turning pages and pays no notice to those around him.

Sonii moves to his side and grabs the book away from him. He looks at her the way an addict would look at someone holding his latest fix.

Sonii gazes attentively at the cover The Wishing Well and it's as if the riddle plays over in her head like a broken record.
"I'm assuming we're looking for a coin." Sonii remarks when Sol snatches the book back.

Milo watches the scene take place as if it's a movie based on a mad scientist and code cracker. He nibbles on the pastry dish and ignores the glare from Toni, who worked really hard to prepare the pastry.  Milo barely leaves a moment between munching to complement him.

"Sonii? How did you even get this? You barely even looked at it." Sol asks critically. He sounds angry but the truth is that he's frustrated. He's been looking at this riddle for so long and finds it hard to believe that Sonii figured out the riddle so quickly.

"All the lucky ones are thrown away with the hope of a dream coming true
Everyone keeps it near
Too many could bring out the worst in people
Too many of it still isn't enough even though it may seem like a lot of work to carry" Sonii recites the riddle from memory then the room goes silent as the boys expect some sort of explanation.

"Coins are money and money brings out the worst in people. Many coins are hard to carry even though they won't be worth as much. We throw coins into a 'Wishing Well' and hope we reavh our dreams." Sonii sounds as if shes addressing a news audience. It's obvious she has at talent for talking since she sounds well rehearsed.

"Okay. Fine." Sol says and marches out of the room. He hates that his sister's mind works differently and she always seems to get things right. He feels like no matter how much research he does, she'll always be the one who does things better.

He pauses in the hall than walks back and pops his head in the room.
"Anyone coming? We still need to find this coin." He says and can't help but sound a little cold hearted.

"Yes please!" Toni calls out happily since he has an excuse to get out of the palace. He's been waiting for a change of scenery and now he has gotten his opportunity. Plus, if he starts to feel down, his other personalities will have an advantage and wreak havoc in the palace.

He dumps his plate of pastry in Milo's arms and he continues gobbling whatever remains.
"Of course I am." Sonii says with little enthusiasm. He brothers tone makes her feel unwanted so she debates whether or not it's worth going. She realizes that she can put their differences aside because they have a common goal.

Sonii curls her arm around Milo's and pulls him along behind her since he doesn't seem to be aware of anything going on at the moment. He is more focused on the pastries.

Before they leave the room, Toni grabs the children's book. He vaguely remembers his mother reading this story to him when he was younger. The only detail he remembers is the most important: the Well never appears in the same place twice.

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